@@ -5,15 +5,60 @@ const { promisify } = require('util')
const PythonWorker = require('./pythonWorker')
const readdir = promisify(fs.readdir)
+const stat = promisify(fs.stat)
+ *
+ * Communication with workers (for now only Python)
+ * The workers are implemented as REPL clients that
+ * communicate with JSON.
+ *
+ * Names:
+ * * Worker: a Python file that implements a REPL client (e.g. serial)
+ * * Port:
+ * * Connection:
+ */
+const WORKER_DIR = `${__dirname}/python_workers`
+const HOST = os.hostname()
const state = {
workers: [],
interfaces: [],
ports: [],
- connections: []
+ connections: [],
+ lastScan: {
+ workers: Date.now() - 100000,
+ ports: Date.now() - 100000,
+ connections: Date.now() - 100000
+ }
const typeDefs = `
+ type Worker {
+ id: ID!
+ interfaceName: String!
+ workerScript: String!
+ mtime: DateTime!
+ updated: DateTime
+ workerProcess: WorkerProcess
+ ports: [Port]!
+ connections: [Connection]!
+ options: [Option!]
+ }
+ type WorkerProcess {
+ pid: Int
+ killed: Boolean!
+ signalCode: String
+ exitCode: Int
+ spawnfile: String!
+ spawnargs: [String]!
+ error: [String]!
+ data: [String]!
+ }
type Option {
name: String!
type: String!
@@ -30,37 +75,17 @@ const typeDefs = `
description: String
- type Worker {
- pid: Int
- killed: Boolean!
- signalCode: String
- exitCode: Int
- spawnfile: String!
- spawnargs: [String]!
- error: Int!
- data: Int!
- }
type Connection {
id: ID!
interfaceName: String!
host: String!
device: String!
- workerInfo: Worker
- }
- type Interface {
- interfaceName: String!
- host: String!
- workerScript: String!
- workerInfo: Worker
- ports: [Port]!
- connections: [Connection]!
- options: [Option]!
+ workerProcess: WorkerProcess
extend type Query {
- interfaces(force: Boolean): [Interface]!
+ workers: [Worker]!
+ worker(id: ID, interfaceName: String): Worker!
ports(interfaceName: String, force: Boolean): [Port]!
connections: [Connection]!
connection(id: ID!): Connection!
@@ -75,42 +100,43 @@ const typeDefs = `
-async function findWorkers() {
- // Find all files in ./python_workers that end in _worker.py
- const fileNames = await readdir(`${__dirname}/python_workers`)
+ */
+async function findWorkers () {
+ // 1. Don't check more frequently than once per second.
+ // if (state.lastScan.workers + 1000 > Date.now()) return null
+ // state.lastScan.workers = Date.now()
+ // 2. Find all files in ./python_workers that end in _worker.py
+ const fileNames = await readdir(WORKER_DIR)
const workerFiles = fileNames.filter(fileName => fileName.includes('_worker.py'))
- // Find the added workers
- workerFiles.forEach(workerFile => {
+ // 3. For every worker script
+ const workerPromises = workerFiles.map(async workerFile => {
const interfaceName = workerFile.replace(/_worker\.py/, '')
- if (state.workers.find(worker => worker.interfaceName === interfaceName)) return null
- const workerScript = `${__dirname}/python_workers/${workerFile}`
- state.workers.push({
- interfaceName,
- workerScript
- })
- })
-async function findInterfaces() {
- // Try to identify workers if necessary
- //if (!state.workers.length)
- await findWorkers()
- // Generate an interface for each worker
- const workerPromises = state.workers.map(async worker => {
- const { workerScript, interfaceName } = worker
- // Skip existing interfaces
- if (state.interfaces.find(iface => iface.interfaceName === interfaceName)) return null
- const pythonWorker = new PythonWorker(workerScript)
- const { res, error } = await pythonWorker.spawn()
- if (error) {
+ const workerScript = `${WORKER_DIR}/${workerFile}`
+ // a. Find out if it was modified.
+ const { mtime } = await stat(workerScript)
+ const foundWorker = state.workers.find(worker => worker.interfaceName === interfaceName)
+ if (foundWorker) {
+ // b. If it was modified, save the modification time.
+ if (foundWorker.mtime < mtime) foundWorker.updated = mtime
- state.interfaces.push({
+ // c. Spawn a new worker connection.
+ const workerProcess = new PythonWorker(workerScript)
+ const { data, error, pythonError } = await workerProcess.spawn()
+ if (error) throw new Error(error)
+ if (pythonError) throw new Error(pythonError)
+ // c. Save the worker in the state.
+ state.workers.push({
+ id: md5(`${interfaceName}${workerScript}${mtime}`),
- worker: pythonWorker,
+ mtime,
+ updated: null,
+ workerProcess,
ports: [],
connections: [],
options: []
@@ -119,33 +145,45 @@ async function findInterfaces() {
await Promise.all(workerPromises)
-async function interfaces(parent, args, ctx, info) {
- const { force } = args
- // Try to identify interfaces if necessary
- //if (!state.interfaces.length || force)
- await findInterfaces()
+async function workers (parent, args, context, info) {
+ await findWorkers()
+ return state.workers.map(worker => ({
+ ...worker,
+ workerProcess: workerProcess(worker.workerProcess, args, context, info)
+ }))
- return state.interfaces.map(iface => {
- const { workerScript, interfaceName, worker } = iface
- return {
- interfaceName,
- host: os.hostname(),
- workerScript,
- workerInfo: workerInfo(worker, args, ctx, info),
- ports: ports(interfaceName, args, ctx, info),
- connections: connections(interfaceName, args, ctx, info),
- options: options(interfaceName, args, ctx, info)
- }
- })
+async function worker (parent, args, context, info) {
+ await findWorkers()
+ const { id, interfaceName } = args
+ if (!id && !interfaceName) throw new Error('Either id or interfaceName needs to be provided!')
+ const worker = state.workers.find(worker => worker.id === id || worker.interfaceName === interfaceName)
+ if (!worker) throw new Error(`Worker id=${id}, interfaceName=${interfaceName} not found`)
+ return worker
-async function findPorts(interfaceName) {
+ */
+async function findPorts (interfaceName) {
+ console.log('find ports.')
+ // 1. Make sure, workers are updated.
+ await findWorkers()
+ // 2. Don't check more frequently than once per second.
+ // if (state.lastScan.ports + 1000 > Date.now()) return null
+ // state.lastScan.ports = Date.now()
+ const portsPromises = state.workers.map(worker => {
+ })
// Generate all ports for the interface
const iface = state.interfaces.find(iface => iface.interfaceName === interfaceName)
const { data, error, pythonError } = await iface.worker.send({ type: 'ports' })
if (error) throw new Error(error)
if (pythonError) throw new Error(pythonError)
+ console.log(data)
data.forEach(port => {
const id = port.name || port.device
// Skip existing ports
@@ -159,9 +197,10 @@ async function findPorts(interfaceName) {
+ console.log('found ports.')
-async function ports(parent, args, ctx, info) {
+async function ports (parent, args, ctx, info) {
const { force, interfaceName } = args
const ifName = interfaceName || parent
@@ -176,7 +215,7 @@ async function ports(parent, args, ctx, info) {
-async function findOptions(interfaceName) {
+async function findOptions (interfaceName) {
const iface = state.interfaces.find(iface => iface.interfaceName === interfaceName)
const { data, error, pythonError } = await iface.worker.send({ type: 'options' })
if (error) throw new Error(error)
@@ -184,7 +223,7 @@ async function findOptions(interfaceName) {
-async function options(parent, args, ctx, info) {
+async function options (parent, args, ctx, info) {
const iface = state.interfaces.find(iface => iface.interfaceName === parent)
// Try to find options if necessary
@@ -192,8 +231,9 @@ async function options(parent, args, ctx, info) {
return iface.options
-function workerInfo(parent, args, ctx, info) {
+function workerProcess (parent, args, ctx, info) {
const { killed, exitCode, signalCode, spawnargs, spawnfile, pid } = parent.pythonShell
+ const { error, data } = parent
return {
@@ -201,12 +241,12 @@ function workerInfo(parent, args, ctx, info) {
- error: parent.error.length,
- data: parent.data.length
+ error,
+ data
-async function connections(parent, args, ctx, info) {
+async function connections (parent, args, ctx, info) {
if (parent) {
const iface = state.interfaces.find(iface => iface.interfaceName === parent)
return iface.connections
@@ -215,12 +255,12 @@ async function connections(parent, args, ctx, info) {
-async function connection(parent, args, context, info) {
+async function connection (parent, args, context, info) {
const connection = state.connections.find(connection => connection.id === args.id)
return connection
-async function connect(parent, args, ctx, info) {
+async function connect (parent, args, ctx, info) {
const { interfaceName, device } = args
const iface = state.interfaces.find(iface => iface.interfaceName === interfaceName)
const id = md5(interfaceName + device)
@@ -234,7 +274,7 @@ async function connect(parent, args, ctx, info) {
host: os.hostname(),
worker: pythonWorker,
- workerInfo: (parent, args, context, info) => workerInfo(pythonWorker, args, context, info)
+ workerProcess: (parent, args, context, info) => workerProcess(pythonWorker, args, context, info)
const connectionData = await connection.worker.send({ type: 'connect', device })
if (connectionData.error) throw new Error(connectionData.error)
@@ -244,7 +284,7 @@ async function connect(parent, args, ctx, info) {
return connection
-async function connectionCommand(parent, args, ctx, info) {
+async function connectionCommand (parent, args, ctx, info) {
const { connectionId, type, string, options } = args
const connection = state.connections.find(connection => connection.id === connectionId)
const { data, error, pythonError } = await connection.worker.send({ type, string, options })
@@ -253,17 +293,17 @@ async function connectionCommand(parent, args, ctx, info) {
return data.response
-//TODO Also find connections in interfaces.
-async function endWorker(parent, args, ctx, info) {
+// TODO Also find connections in interfaces.
+async function endWorker (parent, args, ctx, info) {
const { id } = args
const connection = state.connections.find(connection => connection.id === id)
const { data, error, pythonError } = await connection.worker.end()
if (error) throw new Error(JSON.stringify(error))
if (pythonError.error !== 0) throw new Error(JSON.stringify(pythonError))
- return connection.workerInfo()
+ return connection.workerProcess()
-async function spawnWorker(parent, args, ctx, info) {
+async function spawnWorker (parent, args, ctx, info) {
const { id } = args
const connection = state.connections.find(connection => connection.id === id)
const { data, error, pythonError } = await connection.worker.spawn()
@@ -273,22 +313,23 @@ async function spawnWorker(parent, args, ctx, info) {
const connectionData = await connection.worker.send({ type: 'connect', device: connection.device })
if (connectionData.error) throw new Error(connectionData.error)
if (connectionData.pythonError) throw new Error(connectionData.pythonError)
- return connection.workerInfo()
+ return connection.workerProcess()
-async function killWorker(parent, args, ctx, info) {
+async function killWorker (parent, args, ctx, info) {
const { id } = args
const connection = state.connections.find(connection => connection.id === id)
const { data, error, pythonError } = await connection.worker.kill()
console.log(data, error, pythonError)
if (error) throw new Error(JSON.stringify(error))
if (pythonError) throw new Error(JSON.stringify(pythonError))
- return connection.workerInfo()
+ return connection.workerProcess()
const resolvers = {
Query: {
- interfaces,
+ workers,
+ worker,