import Instrument from '../components/Instrument' import InstrumentList from '../components/InstrumentList' const instrument = { name: 'Keithley 2230-3', description: 'A very nice 3 channel power supply.', subsystems: [{ name: 'Source', description: 'The commands in the SOURce subsystem are used to control the output of the power supply.', commands: [{ id: '1', tag: 'Apply', name: 'Apply voltage and current', description: 'This command sets voltage and current levels on a specified channel with a single command message.', instrument: null, readString: null, writeString: '[SOURce:]APPLy {CH1|CH2|CH3}, , ', parameters: ['channel'] }, { id: '1', tag: 'Output', name: 'Channel output state', description: 'This command sets the output state of the presently selected channel. The query form of this command returns the output state of the presently selected channel.', instrument: null, readString: '[SOURce:]CHANnel:OUTPut[:STATe]?', writeString: '[SOURce:]CHANnel:OUTPut[:STATe] ', parameters: [{ name: 'channel', values: ['CH1', 'CH2', 'CH3'] }] }], parameters: [{ name: 'channel', values: ['CH1', 'CH2', 'CH3'] }], subsystems: [] }] } const InstrumentsPage = props => ( props.query && ? : ) InstrumentsPage.getInitialProps = ({ query }) => { return { query } } export default InstrumentsPage