characterization.js 2.3 KB

  1. import Characterization from '../components/Characterization'
  2. const MOCK_DATA = {
  3. name: 'DCDC Efficiency',
  4. projectVersion: {
  5. id: 'ashvkjhskrjhskfsvsfs',
  6. name: 'Production Tapeout',
  7. changes: ['DCDC removed', 'Logo changed'],
  8. date:,
  9. project: {
  10. name: 'Jungfrau',
  11. abbreviation: 'JU_CSD',
  12. description: '9th generation GNSS receiver.',
  13. files: [{
  14. id: 'shkherskfjhslfg',
  15. name: 'Jungfrau Plan',
  16. description: 'Plan of Jungfrau',
  17. filename: 'jungfrau1.png',
  18. path: 'static/uploads/jungfrau1.png',
  19. mimetype: 'image/png',
  20. size: 518380
  21. }, {
  22. id: 'pxugssfnsdognudog',
  23. name: 'Jungfrau Picture',
  24. description: 'Picture of Jungfrau',
  25. filename: 'jungfrau2.jpg',
  26. path: 'static/uploads/jungfrau2.jpg',
  27. mimetype: 'image/jpeg',
  28. size: 79628
  29. }, {
  30. id: 'awqershdfkghlhfdlfkg',
  31. name: 'Jungfrau Text',
  32. description: 'Something written about Jungfrau',
  33. filename: '2016_juh_segmente_23_erlebnisberge_geschaftsmodell.pdf',
  34. path: 'static/uploads/2016_juh_segmente_23_erlebnisberge_geschaftsmodell.pdf',
  35. mimetype: 'application/pdf',
  36. size: 40330
  37. }],
  38. versions: [{ name: 'Production Tapeout' }, { name: 'MPW' }]
  39. }
  40. },
  41. measurementRuns: [{
  42. id: 'asdsdghwkerhkvbsdf',
  43. name: 'Temperature sweep with L=5nH',
  44. operators: [{
  45. name: 'Tomi'
  46. }],
  47. location: 'Thalwil',
  48. temperature: 24.5,
  49. startTime:,
  50. endTime:,
  51. log: [{
  52. id: 'vxglzhflkjhblkhzg',
  53. when:,
  54. json: '{"Comment":{"text":"What a wonderful world","createdAt":2342543,"previousVersion":"dahfkhesrskhqe"}}'
  55. }, {
  56. id: 'qgdglgxlkhxlkb',
  57. when:,
  58. json: '{"ConnectionCommand":{"writeString":"*IDN?"}}'
  59. }],
  61. text: 'What a wonderful world',
  62. createdAt: 2342543,
  63. previousVersion: null
  64. }],
  65. measurements: [],
  66. setup: {
  67. id: 'jnerktnkfjgnksdf',
  68. name: 'DCDC Setup',
  69. description: 'JU characterization board',
  70. images: [],
  72. setupHardware: [],
  73. instruments: []
  74. }
  75. }]
  76. }
  77. const CharacterizationPage = props => (
  78. <Characterization data={MOCK_DATA} />
  79. )
  80. export default CharacterizationPage