@@ -190,3 +190,50 @@ $ git tag -a v1.2 a6b4c9
## Chapter 3: Git Branches
+### What are branches
+* When committing, git stores an object with:
+ - pointer to the snapshot of the content you staged
+ - authors name and email
+ - the message you typed
+ - pointers to the commit(s) that directly came before this commit (parents)
+ * zero parents for initial commit
+ * one parent for normal commits
+ * multiple parents for merges
+* Therefore, in git a branch is a lightweight pointer to one of these commits
+* The default branch name is `master`
+### Working with branches
+* Creating a new branch `$ git branch testing`
+ - creates a new pointer to the same commit
+* HEAD is a special pointer that points at the commit you're currently on
+* Switch branches `$ git checkout testing`
+ - This moves the HEAD cursor to testing
+* Creating a branch is lightweight (writing the 40byte hash + a newline to a file)
+* Shorthand for branching and switching `$ git checkout -b testing`
+* Switching is not allowed, if there are uncommitted changes in a branch
+### Basic merging
+* Merge another branch into the current one: `$ git merge testing`
+* If a file was edited in more than one branch, a conflict will result and needs to be resolved before the next checkin.
+* you can manually resolve the conflict or use `$ git mergetool`
+* After the resolution, you can commit the changes.
+### Branch management
+* `$ git branch` gives a list of current branches.
+* `$ git branch -v` gives the same list, but with the latest commit messages.
+* To see what branches are already merged, use `$ git branch --merged`
+* To see what branches that haven't been merged yet, use `$ git branch --un-merged`
+* Deleting branches that haven't been merged fails.
+### Branching workflows
+1. Long running branches
+ * Used like different levels of hierarchy
+ * Basically one long linear line of commits, branches used as tags.
+ * Can be used to achieve different levels of stability
+1. Topic branches
+ * Branches diverge at any point
+ * allows to context-switch quickly
+ * can keep different parts of development isolated for longer times
+ * more challenging to merge.