@@ -0,0 +1,76 @@
+## Video 2: Paragraphs and Text decorations
+* Empty lines separate paragraphs
+* double sth is **bold** single sth is _italic_.
+* **_combination_**
+* ~~Stirke through~~
+## Video 3: Headings
+* With hashes #: H1, ##: H2 etc.
+## Video 4: Links
+* <http://www.google.com>
+* [cool page](http://www.google.ch "Search engine")
+* [really][1] Short...
+[1]: http://www.slurm.ch
+## Video 5: Images
+![alt text][A] "This is a tool tip.")
+<img src="https://unsplash.it/g/200/300" width="45" height="34" alt="jung" />
+[A]: https://encrypted-tbn1.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcS9FyiuvTQ_MqNanmvE2jLorQBPI9HZBdj8SdKnJI1mwlyA1YZi
+## Videos 6: Lists
+* List 1
+* List 2
+1. a
+1. b
+1. c
+1. New
+ - Kid
+ - On The
+ This is inline
+ - Block
+## Video 7: Line breaks, Horizontal Rules and Block Quotes
+Take on me. <br>
+Take me on.
+I'll be yours.
+>Every Month is nice. - Tomi Cvetic
+>Many spaces.
+>One space
+## Video 8: Code Blocks
+Here is my code:
+ var x = 100;
+ const y = 'string'
+import * from re
+for i in range(30):
+ print i
+Did you mean `var de = 16`?
+var x = 100;
+- var y = 20000;
++ var y = 200;
+## Video 9: Tables