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added chapters 1-2.4 from the git book.

Tomi Cvetic před 8 roky
1 změnil soubory, kde provedl 129 přidání a 0 odebrání
  1. 129 0

+ 129 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,129 @@
+# Git Book
+[Git Book](
+## Chapter 1
+* Git tracks snapshots, not differences (virtual filesystem)
+* Nearly every operation is local
+* Has integrity included
+* Generally only adds data
+### Three states
+| Working Directory | Staging area | .git repository |
+|    <=             | = checkout=  | =<              |
+| stage >=          | =>           |                 |
+|                   | commit >=    | =>              |
+### First time setup
+* Global: /etc/gitconfig
+* Per-user: .gitconfig
+* Per-project: .git/config
+$ git config --global "John Doe"
+$ git config --global
+$ git config --global core.editor vim
+$ git config --list
+### Get help
+* git help 'verb'
+* git 'verb' --help
+* man git-'verb'
+## Chapter 2
+### Getting a Repository
+* New repositor: `$ git init`
+* Clone existing: `$ git clone [mygitlib]`
+### Reordering Changes
+| Untracked | Unmodified | Modified | Staged |
+| add the file >= | ==   |  ==      | =>     |
+|           | edit the file >= | => |        |
+|           |            | stage the file >= | => |
+| <=        | =< remove the file |  |        |
+|           | <=         | ==       | =< commit the file |
+* Checking the status:
+  `$ git status`
+* Adding file(s)
+  `$ git add .`
+  `$ git add`
+  `$ git add *.c`
+* Staging modified files
+  `$ git add modified.file`
+* The same file can be staged and unstaged, if it was edited after staging!
+* Short status
+  `git status -s`
+  - Left letter: status of the staging area
+  - Right letter: status of the working tree
+  - ??: untracked
+  - A : added to the staging area
+  - MM: modified, staged, modified again
+  -  M: modified, not yet staged
+  - M : modified and staged
+* ignore files over .gitignore Examples:
+  - `*.a`: no a-files...
+  - `!lib.a`: ...except for lib.a
+  - `/TODO`: ignore TODO in the current directory, but not in other directories
+  - `build/`: ignore all files in the build directory
+  - `doc/*.txt`: ignore txt files in the doc directory
+  - `doc/**/*.pdf`: ignore txt files in doc and all its subdirs
+### View staged and unstaged changes
+* See unstaged changes:
+  `$ git diff`
+* See staged changed:
+  `$ git diff --staged` or `$ git diff --cached`
+### Committing your changes
+* Commit staged files: `$ git commit` or `$ got commit -m "my message"`
+* Skip the staging area: `$ git commit -a -m "my message"`
+  - it's equivalent to `git add .` followed by `$ git commit -m "my message"`
+### Removing files
+* `$ git rm` removes files from the _staging_ area and removes it from the drive.
+* if you first remove a file with `$ rm` the change will be recorded. You must still type `$ git rm` to remove it from the stage area before committing.
+* if you modified a file and already added it to the staging area, you must use -f to force the removal. This is a security feature, because the data couldn't be recovered by git.
+* You can remove files from the staging area but keep it on the drive (e.g. if you forgot to put them in .gitignore).
+  `$ git rm --cached`
+### Moving files
+* Git is smart about file moves. therefore the two options are equivalent:
+  - `$ git mv a b`
+  - `$ mv a b` followed by `$ git rm a && git add b`
+### Viewing the history
+* Generally with `$ git log`
+* show diffs of changes and limit to last N entries: `$ git log -p -N`
+* show abbreviated stats: `$ git log --stat`
+* use --pretty=keyword option. Keywords are
+  - oneline
+  - short
+  - full
+  - fuller
+  - format
+  ```
+  $ git log --pretty=format:"%h - %an, %ar : %s"
+  %H, %h:   Commit hash, abbrev. commit hash
+  %T, %t:   Tree hash, abbrev. tree hash
+  %P, %p:   Parent hash, abbrev. parent hash
+  %an, %ae: Author name, author email
+  %ad, %ar: Author date, author date, relative
+  %cn, %ce: Committer name, committer email
+  %cd, %cr: Committer date, committer date, relative
+  %s:       Subject
+  ```
+* Show graph: `git log --pretty=format:"%h %s" --graph`
+* other options:
+  - -(n)  show only the last n commits
+  - --since, --after Limit to commits after a date
+  - --until, --before Limit to commits before a date
+  - --author Filter by author
+  - --committer Filter by committer
+  - --grep Filter by content of the commit string
+  - -S Only show commits adding or removing code matching the string