# 02 - Starter Files and Tooling * Firefox has good built-in tools to analyze CSS grid * Node can help serve HTML files and reload them on change (browser-sync module) * Wes Bos' repository: https://github.com/wesbos/css-grid.git * Use Emmet for HTML and CSS * TODO: Show list of VS code extensions. * CSS: use `box-sizing: border-box` as it includes padding and borders # 03 - Fundamentals * Grid organizes page in rectangular grid cells. * Implicit and explicit rows/columns * Parent container needs to be `display: grid;` * makes direct children grid items * `grid-template-columns: (size) (size)...` defines explicit columns * use `auto` to auto size columns to use up rest of the screen width * `grid-gap: (size)` separates columns and rows # 04 - CSS Grid Dev Tools * Firefox can switch on/off grids * It can also draw lines and show area names. # 05 - Grid Implicit vs. Explicit Tracks * Create explicit columns with `grid-template-columns: (size) (size)...` or `grid-template-rows: (size) (size)...` * Size implicit columns and rows with `grid-auto-columns: (size) (size)...` and `grid-auto-rows: (size) (size)...` * Implicit rows/columns appear after explicit grid. # 06 - grid-auto-flow Explained * Decides if new elements are placed in rows or columns. Columns is default. * It can be set with: `grid-auto-flow: column` or `grid-auto-flow: column` # 07 - Sizing Tracks * Be careful when using percentages in sizing, they dont take into account margins. * `grid-template-columns: 100px 1fr 1fr 2fr` (1fr = fraction) makes 1 100px column, the other share the rest of the screen size with the defined ratio 1:1:2. * You can combine `auto` and `1fr` # 08 - CSS Grid repeat Function * You can write things like `grid-template-columns: repeat(4, 1fr 2fr);` instead of `grid-template-columns: 1fr 2fr 1fr 2fr;` # 09 - Sizing Grid Items * Use `grid-column: span 3` or `grid-row: span 3` * Will not overflow, but wrap over to the next row * If wraping doesn't suffice, it will overflow. # 10 - Placing Grid Items * You can explicitely define the start and end tracks of an item with `grid-column-start: 2` and `grid-column-end: 5` or shorthand `grid-column: 2 / 5` or `grid-column: 2 / span 3` * Negative numbers are also possible: * `grid-column: 2 / 5` = `grid-column: 2 / -2` for a 5 column layout. # 12 - auto-fit and auto-fill * In the repeat function of `grid-template-column` or `grid-template-row` you can use `auto-fit` or `auto-fill` as first argument. * `auto-fill` will create as many columns/rows as possible, making it possible to move items at the end of the screen * `auto-fit` will create as many columns/rows as possible but without making the grid physically wider * So the main difference is for few items and when using `grid-column-end` for an item. # 13 - Using minmax() for Responsive Grids * In the repeat function of `grid-template-column` or `grid-template-row` you can use the `minmax` function as second argument. * It allows to give a minimum and maximum value for an item width/height. * In combination with `fr` for the max width and `auto-fit` in the repeat function, this can help to create responsive designs. * Another solution is to use `grid-template-column: fit-content(100px) 150px 150px` which for the first column will fit the content into the box, but set an upper limit to 100px for the width. # 14 - Grid Template Areas * Layout the grid as follows ``` .content { gird-template-columns: (add your values) grid-template-area: "sidebar-1 header sidebar-2" "sidebar-1 content sidebar-2" "footer footer footer"; } .item1 { grid-area: sidebar-1; } .item2 { grid-area: header; } .item3 { grid-area: sidebar-2; } .item4 { grid-area: content; } .item5 { grid-area: footer; } ``` * Now you can use media queries and redefine the grid area: ``` @media (max-width: 500px) { .container { grid-template-areas: "content content content" "sidebar-1 sidebar-1 sidebar-2" "footer footer footer"; } } ``` * When you have areas, you get line names for free, so `footer-start` and `footer-end` is automatically available for things like `grid-column: footer-start / footer-end;` # 15 - Naming Lines in CSS Grid * Name lines (space between columns or rows) like this: `grid-template-columns: [first-line] 1fr [second-line] 1fr [last-line];` * Then you can use the names: `grid-column: first-line / last-line` instead of `grid-column: 1 / 3` * You can assign more than one name per line. # 16 - grid-autoflow-dense Block Fitting * If items dont fit in columns due to their span, the space before them remains unused. * With `grid-auto-flow: dense;` this space is filled with subsequent items. # 17 - CSS Grid Alignment and Centering