# React for Beginners
* Video course: https://reactforbeginners.com/account
## Video 1: Tooling
* create-react-app
* use Webpack
* Sublime editor
* React dev tools
## Video 2: Thinking and Understanding React Components
* React applications are split into components which share information over different ways like state and properties.
## Video 3: Our First React Component
* Write first component
// MyComponent.js
import React from 'react'
class MyClass extends React.Component {
render (
export default MyClass
* Render it on the HTML
// index.js
import React from 'react'
import { render } from 'react-dom'
import MyComponent from './MyComponent'
render(, document.getElementById('main'))
## Video 4: Write HTML with JSX
* You can write HTML code directly in return functions within parentheses.
* Wes blog post about how to use emmet in babel
* need to replace class tags with className, because class is sth different in JS
* Can only return one parent element (need to wrap the children)
* HTML comments have to be inside {/**/} in JSX *AND* inside parent element.
## Video 5: CSS
* Can be in HTML head
* Can also be included with
import './style.css'
* Processed by Webpack
## Video 6: Create Application Layout with Components
* decide how to organize the app with sub-components
## Video 7: Passing Dynamic Data with props
* add attributes to components
* access variables via props
class MyComponent extends React.Component {
## Video 8: Stateless Functional Components
* If component has just a return function, you can use a stateless functional component
* replace class MyClass ... with
const MyFunction = (props) => {
## Video 9: Routing with React Router
* Don't render component directly, but router
// index.js
import { BrowserRouter, Match, Miss } from 'react-router'
const Root = () => {
return (
render(, document.getElementById('main'))
## Video 10: Helper and Utility Functions
* Organize helper functions in separate files.
## Video 11: Working with React Events
* Works as regular JS events, but adds cross-browser compatibility
* Think about what event to handle
* Think about, at what level the event should be handeled and pass the function down to the component via props.
* Reference form elements as follows:
{ this.whateverName = input }}
* now you can access it through 'this'.
* You have to bind 'this' in functions other than render
* See this example with event handling:
class MyClass extends React.Component {
constructor () {
this.myFunction = this.myFunction.bind('this')
myFunction (event) {
render () {
return (