const projects = [{ _id: '18a0d6883d34293254afae42', __v: 0, name: 'Jungfrau', tag: 'JU_CSD', description: '9th generation GNDD receiver', meta: [{ type: 'reference', key: 'users', value: '18b0d6883d34293254afae42', description: 'Project manager' }, { type: 'reference', key: 'files', value: '38b0d6883d34293254afae42', description: 'Specification' }], history: { author_id: '18b0d6883d34293254afae42', created: 1490426185914, tag: 'gate1', references_id: [], head: false, comment: 'intial version' } }, { _id: '28a0d6883d34293254afae42', __v: 0, name: 'Jungfrau', tag: 'JU_CSD', description: '9th generation GNSS receiver', meta: [{ type: 'reference', key: 'users', value: '18b0d6883d34293254afae42', description: 'Project manager' }, { type: 'reference', key: 'files', value: '38b0d6883d34293254afae42', description: 'Specification' }, { type: 'reference', key: 'files', value: '18c0d6883d34293254afae42', description: 'Chip image' }], history: { author_id: '38b0d6883d34293254afae42', created: 1490427330074, tag: '', references_id: ['18a0d6883d34293254afae42'], head: true, comment: 'Added chip image, corrected typo.' } }, { _id: '38a0d6883d34293254afae42', __v: 0, name: 'Dom', tag: 'DO_CSD', description: '8th generation GNSS receiver', meta: [{ type: 'reference', key: 'users', value: '18b0d6883d34293254afae42', description: 'Project manager' }], history: { author_id: '18b0d6883d34293254afae42', created: 1490421185914, tag: 'gate6', references_id: [], head: true, comment: 'intial version' } }, { _id: '48a0d6883d34293254afae42', __v: 0, name: 'Titlis', tag: 'TI_CSD', description: '7th generation GNSS receiver', meta: [{ type: 'reference', key: 'users', value: '28b0d6883d34293254afae42', description: 'Project manager' }], history: { author_id: '28b0d6883d34293254afae42', created: 1490227330074, tag: 'gat7', references_id: [], head: true } }] export const users = [{ _id: '18b0d6883d34293254afae42', __v: 0, name: 'Thomas Brauner', tag: 'tbra' }, { _id: '28b0d6883d34293254afae42', __v: 0, name: 'Luca Plutino', tag: 'lplu' }, { _id: '38b0d6883d34293254afae42', __v: 0, name: 'Benjamin Martin', tag: 'bmar' }, { _id: '48b0d6883d34293254afae42', __v: 0, name: 'Tomislav Cvetic', tag: 'tcve' }] export const files = [{ _id: '18c0d6883d34293254afae42', __v: 0, type: 'image', path: '/my/path/jungfrau_chip.png', description: 'Microscope image of the Jungfau chip', author: '48b0d6883d34293254afae42' }, { _id: '28c0d6883d34293254afae42', __v: 0, type: 'document', path: '/my/path/jungfrau_spec.pdf', description: 'Specification for Jungfrau', author: '38b0d6883d34293254afae42' }, { _id: '38c0d6883d34293254afae42', __v: 0, type: 'document', path: '/my/path/jungfrau_pinlist.xls', description: 'Pinlist for Jungfrau', author: '18b0d6883d34293254afae42' }] export default projects