@@ -1,247 +0,0 @@
-import { actions, reducer, state, saga } from './state'
-import components from './components'
-import { date2s, time2s } from '../helpers'
-import Match from '../classes/match'
-import Excel from '../excel'
-const filters = {
- all: players => players
-const selectors = {}
-export default { actions, components, filters, selectors, reducer, state, saga }
-const PLACES = {
- 'LE': 'TC Lerchenberg',
- 'WA': 'TC Waidberg',
- 'VA': 'TC Valsana',
- 'SE': 'TC Seebach',
- 'BU': 'TC Bührle',
- 'HO': 'TC Höngg',
- 'TS': 'Tennis-Sport Club',
- 'HA': 'Städtische Plätze Hardhof',
- 'AU': 'Auswärtig'
-const FILTER_OFF = 'Alle'
-function calculateMatchFilters () {
- const dates = {}
- const places = []
- const categories = []
- this.state.match.matches.forEach((item) => {
- const dateString = date2s(item.Datum)
- if (!!item.Datum & !dates.hasOwnProperty(dateString)) {
- dates[dateString] = item.Datum
- }
- if (!!item.Ort & !places.includes(item.Ort)) {
- places.push(item.Ort)
- }
- if (!!item.Konkurrenz & !categories.includes(item.Konkurrenz)) {
- categories.push(item.Konkurrenz)
- }
- })
- const match = { ...this.state.match, dates, places, categories }
- this.setState({ match })
-function generateCalendar (worksheet) {
- console.log('About to read the calendar.')
- const worksheets = { ...this.state.worksheets }
- worksheets['Calendar'] = worksheet
- this.setState({ worksheets })
- if (worksheet[2].length < 8 | worksheet[2].length > 9) {
- throw Error('Wrong file structure.')
- }
- const matches = worksheet.slice(2, worksheet.length).map((matchData) => new Match.Match(matchData))
- const match = { ...this.state.match }
- match.matches = matches
- this.setState({ match })
- this.calculateMatchFilters()
- this.calculatePayDate()
- this.filterMatches()
- console.log('State after generating calendar:', this.state)
-function filterMatches () {
- const filters = {
- date: this.matchDate.value !== FILTER_OFF ? this.matchDate.value : null,
- place: this.matchPlace.value !== FILTER_OFF ? this.matchPlace.value : null,
- category: this.matchCategory.value !== FILTER_OFF ? this.matchCategory.value : null
- }
- console.log('New filter settings:', filters)
- const match = { ...this.state.match }
- match.filtered = match.matches.filter((match) => {
- const matchDate = new Date(match.Datum)
- matchDate.setHours(0, 0, 0, 0)
- const filtDate = new Date(filters.date)
- filtDate.setHours(0, 0, 0, 0)
- return (!filters.date | matchDate.getTime() === filtDate.getTime()) &
- (!filters.place | filters.place === match.Ort) &
- (!filters.category | filters.category === match.Konkurrenz)
- })
- this.setState({ match })
- const player = { ...this.state.player, filters }
- player.filtered = player.players
- this.setState({ player })
-function generatePhoneList (event) {
- event.preventDefault()
- const phoneMail = new Excel.Workbook()
- phoneMail.SheetNames = []
- phoneMail.Sheets = {}
- const dataList = [
- ['Vorname', 'Nachname', 'Anrede', 'Geschlecht', 'Handy', 'E-Mail']
- ]
- const phonePot = []
- const players = this.state.player.filtered
- players.forEach(player => {
- if (!player.phone.match(/^FEHLER/) && !phonePot.includes(player.phone)) {
- phonePot.push(player.phone)
- dataList.push([
- player.Vorname,
- player.Name,
- 2,
- player.geschlecht === 'w' ? 2 : 1,
- player.phone
- ])
- }
- })
- phoneMail.Sheets['Sheet1'] = Excel.SheetFromArray(dataList)
- phoneMail.SheetNames.push('Sheet1')
- Excel.saveAs(phoneMail, 'Telefon.xlsx')
-function calculatePayDate () {
- if ((this.state.player.players.length === 0) | (this.state.match.matches.length === 0)) {
- return
- }
- this.state.match.matches.forEach((match) => {
- [match.Spieler1, match.Spieler2].forEach((matchPlayer) => {
- if (matchPlayer) {
- let foundPlayer = this.state.player.players.find((player) =>
- (player.name === matchPlayer) & (player.Konkurrenz === match.Konkurrenz)
- )
- if (!foundPlayer) {
- console.log('Debug payerlist:', foundPlayer, match)
- throw Error('Match player not found in player list. This is an error!')
- }
- if (!foundPlayer.BezahltAm) {
- foundPlayer.BezahltAm = match.Datum
- }
- }
- })
- })
-function generatePayTable (event) {
- event.preventDefault()
- const paylist = new Excel.Workbook()
- paylist.SheetNames = []
- paylist.Sheets = {}
- const worksheets = {}
- let placeArray = this.state.match.places
- /* if (placeArray.length > 1) {
- placeArray = placeArray.concat([FILTER_OFF])
- } */
- const date = Object.keys(this.state.match.dates).find((key) =>
- String(this.state.match.dates[key]) === this.matchDate.value
- )
- placeArray.forEach((place) => {
- let header = [
- ['Stadtzürcher Tennismeisterschaft'],
- [`Nenngelder für ${date}`],
- [],
- [`${PLACES[place] || place}`, null, '50.- oder 30.- (Junioren Jg. 1999 oder jünger)'],
- [],
- ['bezahlt', 'Kat.', 'Zeit', 'Name', 'Betrag bez.', 'Quittung']
- ]
- // Per place
- let payListPerPlace = []
- this.state.match.filtered.forEach((match) => {
- [match.Spieler1, match.Spieler2].forEach((matchPlayer) => {
- if (!!matchPlayer & (match.Ort === place | FILTER_OFF === place)) {
- const player = this.state.player.players.find((player) =>
- (player.Konkurrenz === match.Konkurrenz) & (player.name === matchPlayer)
- )
- let paid = null
- if (player.BezahltAm < this.matchDate.value) {
- paid = date2s(player.BezahltAm)
- }
- if (player.Bezahlt) {
- paid = 'OK'
- }
- let price
- if (player.isDoubles) {
- price = (player.isJunior ? 15 : 25) + (player.isJuniorDP ? 15 : 25)
- } else {
- price = player.isJunior ? 30 : 50
- }
- payListPerPlace.push([ paid, match.Konkurrenz, time2s(match.Datum), `(${price}.-) ${matchPlayer}` ])
- }
- })
- })
- let footer = [
- [],
- ['Datum'],
- ['Turnierleiter', null, null, 'Kassierer'],
- ['Betrag von Spielern erhalten', null, null, 'Betrag von Turnierleiter erhalten']
- ]
- console.log(`Generated pay list per place ${place}:`, payListPerPlace)
- worksheets[place] = Excel.SheetFromArray(header.concat(payListPerPlace, footer))
- paylist.SheetNames.push(place)
- paylist.Sheets[place] = worksheets[place]
- })
- Excel.saveAs(paylist, 'Zahlliste.xlsx')
-function generateSchedule (event) {
- event.preventDefault()
- const matchlist = new Excel.Workbook()
- matchlist.SheetNames = []
- matchlist.Sheets = {}
- const worksheets = {}
- let placeArray = this.state.match.places
- if (placeArray.length > 1) {
- // placeArray = placeArray.concat([FILTER_OFF])
- }
- const date = Object.keys(this.state.match.dates).find((key) =>
- String(this.state.match.dates[key]) === this.matchDate.value
- )
- placeArray.forEach(place => {
- let header = [
- ['Stadtzürcher Tennismeisterschaft'],
- [`Spielplan für den ${date} (${PLACES[place] || place})`],
- [],
- ['Platz', 'Zeit', 'Kategorie', 'Spieler 1', '', 'Spieler 2', '', '1. Satz', '2. Satz', '3. Satz', 'WO Grund']
- ]
- let matchListPerPlace = this.state.match.filtered.filter((match) => (match.Ort === place | place === FILTER_OFF)).map((match) =>
- [null, time2s(match.Datum), match.Konkurrenz, match.Spieler1, match.Spieler1Klassierung, match.Spieler2, match.Spieler2Klassierung]
- )
- console.log('Generated match list per place:', matchListPerPlace)
- worksheets[place] = Excel.SheetFromArray(header.concat(matchListPerPlace))
- matchlist.SheetNames.push(place)
- matchlist.Sheets[place] = worksheets[place]
- })
- Excel.saveAs(matchlist, 'Spielplan.xlsx')