@@ -58,18 +58,53 @@ function * rootSaga () {
/** Create the saga middleware */
const sagaMiddleware = createSagaMiddleware()
+const logger = store => next => action => {
+ console.log('dispatching', action)
+ let result = next(action)
+ console.log('next state', store.getState())
+ return result
+const crashReporter = store => next => action => {
+ try {
+ return next(action)
+ } catch (err) {
+ console.error('Caught an exception!', err)
+ throw err
+ }
+const middleware = [
+ logger,
+ crashReporter,
+ alerts.middleware,
+ sagaMiddleware
/** The enhancer allows to use Redux development tools in Chrome */
-const enhancers = compose(
- applyMiddleware(alerts.middleware),
- applyMiddleware(sagaMiddleware),
- window.devToolsExtension ? window.devToolsExtension() : f => f
-console.log('Enhancers:', enhancers)
+// see: https://github.com/zalmoxisus/redux-devtools-extension/issues/220
+let enhancer
+ applyMiddleware(...middleware)
+ )
+} else {
+ enhancer = compose(
+ applyMiddleware(...middleware)
+ )
+// const enhancer = compose(
+// applyMiddleware(alerts.middleware),
+// applyMiddleware(sagaMiddleware),
+// applyMiddleware(logger),
+// applyMiddleware(crashReporter),
+// window.devToolsExtension ? window.devToolsExtension() : f => f
+// )
+console.log('Enhancers:', enhancer)
/** Build the Redux store from the rootReducer, the defualtState and the enhancers. */
-const store = createStore(rootReducer, defaultState, enhancers)
+const store = createStore(rootReducer, defaultState, enhancer)
console.log('Store:', store)
/** react-route is not used in this project.
const history = syncHistoryWithStore(browserHistory, store)
console.log('history:', history)