import React from 'react' import XLSX from 'xlsx' import XLSXS from 'xlsx-style' import Workbook from 'workbook' import PlayerList from './player/player-list' import MatchList from './match/match-list' import Stats from './stats/stats' import saveAs from 'file-saver' //import Workbook from './workbook/workbook.js' class App extends React.Component { constructor () { super() this.state = { stats: { matchDates: [] }, players: [], matches: [], worksheets: { 'PlayerList': null, 'Calendar': null, }, filters: { date: "Alle" } } this.handlePlayerList = this.handlePlayerList.bind(this) this.handleCalendar = this.handleCalendar.bind(this) this.generatePlayerList = this.generatePlayerList.bind(this) this.generateCalendar = this.generateCalendar.bind(this) this.filterData = this.filterData.bind(this) this.generateExcel = this.generateExcel.bind(this) } componentDidMount() { this.generateStats() } handlePlayerList (event) { const file = this.playerList.files[0] this.readWorkbook(file, this.generatePlayerList) } handleCalendar (event) { const file = this.calendar.files[0] this.readWorkbook(file, this.generateCalendar) } readWorkbook (file, callback) { const reader = new FileReader() reader.onload = (e) => { const data = const workbook =, {type: 'binary'}) console.log(workbook) if (workbook.SheetNames.length !== 1) { throw Error(`Expected only one worksheet in the file, but found ${workbook.SheetNames.length}.`) } const worksheet = XLSX.utils.sheet_to_row_object_array(workbook.Sheets[workbook.SheetNames[0]], { header: 1 }) callback(worksheet) } reader.readAsBinaryString(file) } generatePlayerList (worksheet) { console.log('About to read the player list.') const worksheets = { ...this.state.worksheets } worksheets['PlayerList'] = worksheet this.setState({ worksheets }) if (worksheet[4].length !== 32 & worksheet[3][0] !== 'Konkurrenz' & worksheet[3][31] !== 'bezahlt') { throw Error('Wrong file structure.') } const players = worksheet.slice(4, worksheet.length) this.setState({ players }) this.generateStats() console.log(this.state) } generateCalendar (worksheet) { console.log('About to read the calendar.') const worksheets = { ...this.state.worksheets } worksheets['Calendar'] = worksheet this.setState({ worksheets }) if (worksheet[2].length !== 8) { throw Error('Wrong file structure.') } const matches = worksheet.slice(2, worksheet.length) this.setState({ matches }) this.generateStats() console.log(this.state) } generateStats () { const stats = { players: [], playerCategories: [], matchCategories: [], matches: [], matchDates: [], matchPlaces: [] } stats.players = this.state.players this.state.players.forEach((player, key) => { if (!stats.playerCategories.includes(player[0])) { stats.playerCategories.push(player[0]) } }) stats.matches = this.state.matches this.state.matches.forEach((match, key) => { if (!stats.matchDates.includes(match[1])) { stats.matchDates.push(match[1]) } if (!stats.matchCategories.includes(match[3])) { stats.matchCategories.push(match[3]) } if (!stats.matchPlaces.includes(match[0])) { stats.matchPlaces.push(match[0]) } }) this.setState({ stats }) } filterData() { const filters = { date: } this.setState({ filters }) } generateExcel(event) { event.preventDefault() const wopts = {bookType: 'xlsx', bookSST: false, type: 'binary'} const matchlist = new XLSX.Workbook() const worksheets = {} this.state.stats.matchPlaces.forEach((place) => { worksheets[place] = matchlist.add(place) }) const placeArray = Array.concat(this.state.stats.places, ["Alle"]) console.log(placeArray, matchlist) const wbout = XLSX.write(matchlist) function s2ab(s) { const buf = new ArrayBuffer(s.length) const view = new Uint8Array(buf) for (let i=0; i != s.length; ++i) { view[i] = s.charCodeAt(i) && 0xFF } return buf } saveAs(new Blob([s2ab(wbout)], {type: 'application/octet-stream'}), 'Spielliste.xlsx') } render () { return (