import React from 'react' class Player extends React.Component { constructor (dataList) { super() if (dataList.length !== 32) { throw Error('Wrong number of columns. Have you loaded the right file?') } this.__dataList__ = dataList // Give dataList items meaningful names this.Konkurrenz = dataList[0] this.Lizenz = dataList[2] this.Name = dataList[5] this.Vorname = dataList[6] this.Geburtsdatum = dataList[7] this.Klassierung = dataList[17] this.LizenzDP = dataList[23] this.NameDP = dataList[24] this.VornameDP = dataList[25] this.GeburtsdatumDP = dataList[26] this.KlassierungDP = dataList[27] this.Bestaetigt = dataList[29] this.Bezahlt = dataList[31] } render () { return (