/* eslint-disable */ import { gql } from '@apollo/client'; import * as ApolloReactCommon from '@apollo/react-common'; import * as ApolloReactHooks from '@apollo/client'; export type Maybe = T | null; /** All built-in and custom scalars, mapped to their actual values */ export type Scalars = { ID: string, String: string, Boolean: boolean, Int: number, Float: number, DateTime: any, }; export type BaseExercise = Node & { __typename?: 'BaseExercise', id: Scalars['ID'], name: Scalars['String'], variations?: Maybe>, }; export type BaseExerciseVariationsArgs = { where?: Maybe, orderBy?: Maybe, skip?: Maybe, after?: Maybe, before?: Maybe, first?: Maybe, last?: Maybe }; export type BaseExerciseWhereInput = { /** Logical AND on all given filters. */ AND?: Maybe>, /** Logical OR on all given filters. */ OR?: Maybe>, /** Logical NOT on all given filters combined by AND. */ NOT?: Maybe>, id?: Maybe, /** All values that are not equal to given value. */ id_not?: Maybe, /** All values that are contained in given list. */ id_in?: Maybe>, /** All values that are not contained in given list. */ id_not_in?: Maybe>, /** All values less than the given value. */ id_lt?: Maybe, /** All values less than or equal the given value. */ id_lte?: Maybe, /** All values greater than the given value. */ id_gt?: Maybe, /** All values greater than or equal the given value. */ id_gte?: Maybe, /** All values containing the given string. */ id_contains?: Maybe, /** All values not containing the given string. */ id_not_contains?: Maybe, /** All values starting with the given string. */ id_starts_with?: Maybe, /** All values not starting with the given string. */ id_not_starts_with?: Maybe, /** All values ending with the given string. */ id_ends_with?: Maybe, /** All values not ending with the given string. */ id_not_ends_with?: Maybe, name?: Maybe, /** All values that are not equal to given value. */ name_not?: Maybe, /** All values that are contained in given list. */ name_in?: Maybe>, /** All values that are not contained in given list. */ name_not_in?: Maybe>, /** All values less than the given value. */ name_lt?: Maybe, /** All values less than or equal the given value. */ name_lte?: Maybe, /** All values greater than the given value. */ name_gt?: Maybe, /** All values greater than or equal the given value. */ name_gte?: Maybe, /** All values containing the given string. */ name_contains?: Maybe, /** All values not containing the given string. */ name_not_contains?: Maybe, /** All values starting with the given string. */ name_starts_with?: Maybe, /** All values not starting with the given string. */ name_not_starts_with?: Maybe, /** All values ending with the given string. */ name_ends_with?: Maybe, /** All values not ending with the given string. */ name_not_ends_with?: Maybe, variations_every?: Maybe, variations_some?: Maybe, variations_none?: Maybe, }; export type Block = Node & { __typename?: 'Block', id: Scalars['ID'], sequence: Scalars['Int'], title: Scalars['String'], duration: Scalars['Int'], variation?: Maybe, format?: Maybe, tracks?: Maybe>, exercises?: Maybe>, description: Scalars['String'], }; export type BlockTracksArgs = { where?: Maybe, orderBy?: Maybe, skip?: Maybe, after?: Maybe, before?: Maybe, first?: Maybe, last?: Maybe }; export type BlockExercisesArgs = { where?: Maybe, orderBy?: Maybe, skip?: Maybe, after?: Maybe, before?: Maybe, first?: Maybe, last?: Maybe }; export enum BlockOrderByInput { IdAsc = 'id_ASC', IdDesc = 'id_DESC', SequenceAsc = 'sequence_ASC', SequenceDesc = 'sequence_DESC', TitleAsc = 'title_ASC', TitleDesc = 'title_DESC', DurationAsc = 'duration_ASC', DurationDesc = 'duration_DESC', VariationAsc = 'variation_ASC', VariationDesc = 'variation_DESC', DescriptionAsc = 'description_ASC', DescriptionDesc = 'description_DESC' } export type BlockWhereInput = { /** Logical AND on all given filters. */ AND?: Maybe>, /** Logical OR on all given filters. */ OR?: Maybe>, /** Logical NOT on all given filters combined by AND. */ NOT?: Maybe>, id?: Maybe, /** All values that are not equal to given value. */ id_not?: Maybe, /** All values that are contained in given list. */ id_in?: Maybe>, /** All values that are not contained in given list. */ id_not_in?: Maybe>, /** All values less than the given value. */ id_lt?: Maybe, /** All values less than or equal the given value. */ id_lte?: Maybe, /** All values greater than the given value. */ id_gt?: Maybe, /** All values greater than or equal the given value. */ id_gte?: Maybe, /** All values containing the given string. */ id_contains?: Maybe, /** All values not containing the given string. */ id_not_contains?: Maybe, /** All values starting with the given string. */ id_starts_with?: Maybe, /** All values not starting with the given string. */ id_not_starts_with?: Maybe, /** All values ending with the given string. */ id_ends_with?: Maybe, /** All values not ending with the given string. */ id_not_ends_with?: Maybe, sequence?: Maybe, /** All values that are not equal to given value. */ sequence_not?: Maybe, /** All values that are contained in given list. */ sequence_in?: Maybe>, /** All values that are not contained in given list. */ sequence_not_in?: Maybe>, /** All values less than the given value. */ sequence_lt?: Maybe, /** All values less than or equal the given value. */ sequence_lte?: Maybe, /** All values greater than the given value. */ sequence_gt?: Maybe, /** All values greater than or equal the given value. */ sequence_gte?: Maybe, title?: Maybe, /** All values that are not equal to given value. */ title_not?: Maybe, /** All values that are contained in given list. */ title_in?: Maybe>, /** All values that are not contained in given list. */ title_not_in?: Maybe>, /** All values less than the given value. */ title_lt?: Maybe, /** All values less than or equal the given value. */ title_lte?: Maybe, /** All values greater than the given value. */ title_gt?: Maybe, /** All values greater than or equal the given value. */ title_gte?: Maybe, /** All values containing the given string. */ title_contains?: Maybe, /** All values not containing the given string. */ title_not_contains?: Maybe, /** All values starting with the given string. */ title_starts_with?: Maybe, /** All values not starting with the given string. */ title_not_starts_with?: Maybe, /** All values ending with the given string. */ title_ends_with?: Maybe, /** All values not ending with the given string. */ title_not_ends_with?: Maybe, duration?: Maybe, /** All values that are not equal to given value. */ duration_not?: Maybe, /** All values that are contained in given list. */ duration_in?: Maybe>, /** All values that are not contained in given list. */ duration_not_in?: Maybe>, /** All values less than the given value. */ duration_lt?: Maybe, /** All values less than or equal the given value. */ duration_lte?: Maybe, /** All values greater than the given value. */ duration_gt?: Maybe, /** All values greater than or equal the given value. */ duration_gte?: Maybe, variation?: Maybe, /** All values that are not equal to given value. */ variation_not?: Maybe, /** All values that are contained in given list. */ variation_in?: Maybe>, /** All values that are not contained in given list. */ variation_not_in?: Maybe>, /** All values less than the given value. */ variation_lt?: Maybe, /** All values less than or equal the given value. */ variation_lte?: Maybe, /** All values greater than the given value. */ variation_gt?: Maybe, /** All values greater than or equal the given value. */ variation_gte?: Maybe, /** All values containing the given string. */ variation_contains?: Maybe, /** All values not containing the given string. */ variation_not_contains?: Maybe, /** All values starting with the given string. */ variation_starts_with?: Maybe, /** All values not starting with the given string. */ variation_not_starts_with?: Maybe, /** All values ending with the given string. */ variation_ends_with?: Maybe, /** All values not ending with the given string. */ variation_not_ends_with?: Maybe, description?: Maybe, /** All values that are not equal to given value. */ description_not?: Maybe, /** All values that are contained in given list. */ description_in?: Maybe>, /** All values that are not contained in given list. */ description_not_in?: Maybe>, /** All values less than the given value. */ description_lt?: Maybe, /** All values less than or equal the given value. */ description_lte?: Maybe, /** All values greater than the given value. */ description_gt?: Maybe, /** All values greater than or equal the given value. */ description_gte?: Maybe, /** All values containing the given string. */ description_contains?: Maybe, /** All values not containing the given string. */ description_not_contains?: Maybe, /** All values starting with the given string. */ description_starts_with?: Maybe, /** All values not starting with the given string. */ description_not_starts_with?: Maybe, /** All values ending with the given string. */ description_ends_with?: Maybe, /** All values not ending with the given string. */ description_not_ends_with?: Maybe, format?: Maybe, tracks_every?: Maybe, tracks_some?: Maybe, tracks_none?: Maybe, exercises_every?: Maybe, exercises_some?: Maybe, exercises_none?: Maybe, }; export type Comment = Node & { __typename?: 'Comment', id: Scalars['ID'], text: Scalars['String'], author: User, createdAt: Scalars['DateTime'], }; export type CommentCreateManyWithoutAuthorInput = { create?: Maybe>, connect?: Maybe>, }; export type CommentCreateWithoutAuthorInput = { id?: Maybe, text: Scalars['String'], }; export enum CommentOrderByInput { IdAsc = 'id_ASC', IdDesc = 'id_DESC', TextAsc = 'text_ASC', TextDesc = 'text_DESC', CreatedAtAsc = 'createdAt_ASC', CreatedAtDesc = 'createdAt_DESC' } export type CommentScalarWhereInput = { /** Logical AND on all given filters. */ AND?: Maybe>, /** Logical OR on all given filters. */ OR?: Maybe>, /** Logical NOT on all given filters combined by AND. */ NOT?: Maybe>, id?: Maybe, /** All values that are not equal to given value. */ id_not?: Maybe, /** All values that are contained in given list. */ id_in?: Maybe>, /** All values that are not contained in given list. */ id_not_in?: Maybe>, /** All values less than the given value. */ id_lt?: Maybe, /** All values less than or equal the given value. */ id_lte?: Maybe, /** All values greater than the given value. */ id_gt?: Maybe, /** All values greater than or equal the given value. */ id_gte?: Maybe, /** All values containing the given string. */ id_contains?: Maybe, /** All values not containing the given string. */ id_not_contains?: Maybe, /** All values starting with the given string. */ id_starts_with?: Maybe, /** All values not starting with the given string. */ id_not_starts_with?: Maybe, /** All values ending with the given string. */ id_ends_with?: Maybe, /** All values not ending with the given string. */ id_not_ends_with?: Maybe, text?: Maybe, /** All values that are not equal to given value. */ text_not?: Maybe, /** All values that are contained in given list. */ text_in?: Maybe>, /** All values that are not contained in given list. */ text_not_in?: Maybe>, /** All values less than the given value. */ text_lt?: Maybe, /** All values less than or equal the given value. */ text_lte?: Maybe, /** All values greater than the given value. */ text_gt?: Maybe, /** All values greater than or equal the given value. */ text_gte?: Maybe, /** All values containing the given string. */ text_contains?: Maybe, /** All values not containing the given string. */ text_not_contains?: Maybe, /** All values starting with the given string. */ text_starts_with?: Maybe, /** All values not starting with the given string. */ text_not_starts_with?: Maybe, /** All values ending with the given string. */ text_ends_with?: Maybe, /** All values not ending with the given string. */ text_not_ends_with?: Maybe, createdAt?: Maybe, /** All values that are not equal to given value. */ createdAt_not?: Maybe, /** All values that are contained in given list. */ createdAt_in?: Maybe>, /** All values that are not contained in given list. */ createdAt_not_in?: Maybe>, /** All values less than the given value. */ createdAt_lt?: Maybe, /** All values less than or equal the given value. */ createdAt_lte?: Maybe, /** All values greater than the given value. */ createdAt_gt?: Maybe, /** All values greater than or equal the given value. */ createdAt_gte?: Maybe, }; export type CommentUpdateManyDataInput = { text?: Maybe, }; export type CommentUpdateManyWithoutAuthorInput = { create?: Maybe>, connect?: Maybe>, set?: Maybe>, disconnect?: Maybe>, delete?: Maybe>, update?: Maybe>, updateMany?: Maybe>, deleteMany?: Maybe>, upsert?: Maybe>, }; export type CommentUpdateManyWithWhereNestedInput = { where: CommentScalarWhereInput, data: CommentUpdateManyDataInput, }; export type CommentUpdateWithoutAuthorDataInput = { text?: Maybe, }; export type CommentUpdateWithWhereUniqueWithoutAuthorInput = { where: CommentWhereUniqueInput, data: CommentUpdateWithoutAuthorDataInput, }; export type CommentUpsertWithWhereUniqueWithoutAuthorInput = { where: CommentWhereUniqueInput, update: CommentUpdateWithoutAuthorDataInput, create: CommentCreateWithoutAuthorInput, }; export type CommentWhereInput = { /** Logical AND on all given filters. */ AND?: Maybe>, /** Logical OR on all given filters. */ OR?: Maybe>, /** Logical NOT on all given filters combined by AND. */ NOT?: Maybe>, id?: Maybe, /** All values that are not equal to given value. */ id_not?: Maybe, /** All values that are contained in given list. */ id_in?: Maybe>, /** All values that are not contained in given list. */ id_not_in?: Maybe>, /** All values less than the given value. */ id_lt?: Maybe, /** All values less than or equal the given value. */ id_lte?: Maybe, /** All values greater than the given value. */ id_gt?: Maybe, /** All values greater than or equal the given value. */ id_gte?: Maybe, /** All values containing the given string. */ id_contains?: Maybe, /** All values not containing the given string. */ id_not_contains?: Maybe, /** All values starting with the given string. */ id_starts_with?: Maybe, /** All values not starting with the given string. */ id_not_starts_with?: Maybe, /** All values ending with the given string. */ id_ends_with?: Maybe, /** All values not ending with the given string. */ id_not_ends_with?: Maybe, text?: Maybe, /** All values that are not equal to given value. */ text_not?: Maybe, /** All values that are contained in given list. */ text_in?: Maybe>, /** All values that are not contained in given list. */ text_not_in?: Maybe>, /** All values less than the given value. */ text_lt?: Maybe, /** All values less than or equal the given value. */ text_lte?: Maybe, /** All values greater than the given value. */ text_gt?: Maybe, /** All values greater than or equal the given value. */ text_gte?: Maybe, /** All values containing the given string. */ text_contains?: Maybe, /** All values not containing the given string. */ text_not_contains?: Maybe, /** All values starting with the given string. */ text_starts_with?: Maybe, /** All values not starting with the given string. */ text_not_starts_with?: Maybe, /** All values ending with the given string. */ text_ends_with?: Maybe, /** All values not ending with the given string. */ text_not_ends_with?: Maybe, createdAt?: Maybe, /** All values that are not equal to given value. */ createdAt_not?: Maybe, /** All values that are contained in given list. */ createdAt_in?: Maybe>, /** All values that are not contained in given list. */ createdAt_not_in?: Maybe>, /** All values less than the given value. */ createdAt_lt?: Maybe, /** All values less than or equal the given value. */ createdAt_lte?: Maybe, /** All values greater than the given value. */ createdAt_gt?: Maybe, /** All values greater than or equal the given value. */ createdAt_gte?: Maybe, author?: Maybe, }; export type CommentWhereUniqueInput = { id?: Maybe, }; export type Exercise = Node & { __typename?: 'Exercise', id: Scalars['ID'], name: Scalars['String'], description: Scalars['String'], video: Scalars['String'], targets: Array, baseExercise: BaseExercise, }; export enum ExerciseOrderByInput { IdAsc = 'id_ASC', IdDesc = 'id_DESC', NameAsc = 'name_ASC', NameDesc = 'name_DESC', DescriptionAsc = 'description_ASC', DescriptionDesc = 'description_DESC', VideoAsc = 'video_ASC', VideoDesc = 'video_DESC' } export type ExerciseWhereInput = { /** Logical AND on all given filters. */ AND?: Maybe>, /** Logical OR on all given filters. */ OR?: Maybe>, /** Logical NOT on all given filters combined by AND. */ NOT?: Maybe>, id?: Maybe, /** All values that are not equal to given value. */ id_not?: Maybe, /** All values that are contained in given list. */ id_in?: Maybe>, /** All values that are not contained in given list. */ id_not_in?: Maybe>, /** All values less than the given value. */ id_lt?: Maybe, /** All values less than or equal the given value. */ id_lte?: Maybe, /** All values greater than the given value. */ id_gt?: Maybe, /** All values greater than or equal the given value. */ id_gte?: Maybe, /** All values containing the given string. */ id_contains?: Maybe, /** All values not containing the given string. */ id_not_contains?: Maybe, /** All values starting with the given string. */ id_starts_with?: Maybe, /** All values not starting with the given string. */ id_not_starts_with?: Maybe, /** All values ending with the given string. */ id_ends_with?: Maybe, /** All values not ending with the given string. */ id_not_ends_with?: Maybe, name?: Maybe, /** All values that are not equal to given value. */ name_not?: Maybe, /** All values that are contained in given list. */ name_in?: Maybe>, /** All values that are not contained in given list. */ name_not_in?: Maybe>, /** All values less than the given value. */ name_lt?: Maybe, /** All values less than or equal the given value. */ name_lte?: Maybe, /** All values greater than the given value. */ name_gt?: Maybe, /** All values greater than or equal the given value. */ name_gte?: Maybe, /** All values containing the given string. */ name_contains?: Maybe, /** All values not containing the given string. */ name_not_contains?: Maybe, /** All values starting with the given string. */ name_starts_with?: Maybe, /** All values not starting with the given string. */ name_not_starts_with?: Maybe, /** All values ending with the given string. */ name_ends_with?: Maybe, /** All values not ending with the given string. */ name_not_ends_with?: Maybe, description?: Maybe, /** All values that are not equal to given value. */ description_not?: Maybe, /** All values that are contained in given list. */ description_in?: Maybe>, /** All values that are not contained in given list. */ description_not_in?: Maybe>, /** All values less than the given value. */ description_lt?: Maybe, /** All values less than or equal the given value. */ description_lte?: Maybe, /** All values greater than the given value. */ description_gt?: Maybe, /** All values greater than or equal the given value. */ description_gte?: Maybe, /** All values containing the given string. */ description_contains?: Maybe, /** All values not containing the given string. */ description_not_contains?: Maybe, /** All values starting with the given string. */ description_starts_with?: Maybe, /** All values not starting with the given string. */ description_not_starts_with?: Maybe, /** All values ending with the given string. */ description_ends_with?: Maybe, /** All values not ending with the given string. */ description_not_ends_with?: Maybe, video?: Maybe, /** All values that are not equal to given value. */ video_not?: Maybe, /** All values that are contained in given list. */ video_in?: Maybe>, /** All values that are not contained in given list. */ video_not_in?: Maybe>, /** All values less than the given value. */ video_lt?: Maybe, /** All values less than or equal the given value. */ video_lte?: Maybe, /** All values greater than the given value. */ video_gt?: Maybe, /** All values greater than or equal the given value. */ video_gte?: Maybe, /** All values containing the given string. */ video_contains?: Maybe, /** All values not containing the given string. */ video_not_contains?: Maybe, /** All values starting with the given string. */ video_starts_with?: Maybe, /** All values not starting with the given string. */ video_not_starts_with?: Maybe, /** All values ending with the given string. */ video_ends_with?: Maybe, /** All values not ending with the given string. */ video_not_ends_with?: Maybe, baseExercise?: Maybe, }; export type Format = Node & { __typename?: 'Format', id: Scalars['ID'], name: Scalars['String'], description: Scalars['String'], }; export type FormatWhereInput = { /** Logical AND on all given filters. */ AND?: Maybe>, /** Logical OR on all given filters. */ OR?: Maybe>, /** Logical NOT on all given filters combined by AND. */ NOT?: Maybe>, id?: Maybe, /** All values that are not equal to given value. */ id_not?: Maybe, /** All values that are contained in given list. */ id_in?: Maybe>, /** All values that are not contained in given list. */ id_not_in?: Maybe>, /** All values less than the given value. */ id_lt?: Maybe, /** All values less than or equal the given value. */ id_lte?: Maybe, /** All values greater than the given value. */ id_gt?: Maybe, /** All values greater than or equal the given value. */ id_gte?: Maybe, /** All values containing the given string. */ id_contains?: Maybe, /** All values not containing the given string. */ id_not_contains?: Maybe, /** All values starting with the given string. */ id_starts_with?: Maybe, /** All values not starting with the given string. */ id_not_starts_with?: Maybe, /** All values ending with the given string. */ id_ends_with?: Maybe, /** All values not ending with the given string. */ id_not_ends_with?: Maybe, name?: Maybe, /** All values that are not equal to given value. */ name_not?: Maybe, /** All values that are contained in given list. */ name_in?: Maybe>, /** All values that are not contained in given list. */ name_not_in?: Maybe>, /** All values less than the given value. */ name_lt?: Maybe, /** All values less than or equal the given value. */ name_lte?: Maybe, /** All values greater than the given value. */ name_gt?: Maybe, /** All values greater than or equal the given value. */ name_gte?: Maybe, /** All values containing the given string. */ name_contains?: Maybe, /** All values not containing the given string. */ name_not_contains?: Maybe, /** All values starting with the given string. */ name_starts_with?: Maybe, /** All values not starting with the given string. */ name_not_starts_with?: Maybe, /** All values ending with the given string. */ name_ends_with?: Maybe, /** All values not ending with the given string. */ name_not_ends_with?: Maybe, description?: Maybe, /** All values that are not equal to given value. */ description_not?: Maybe, /** All values that are contained in given list. */ description_in?: Maybe>, /** All values that are not contained in given list. */ description_not_in?: Maybe>, /** All values less than the given value. */ description_lt?: Maybe, /** All values less than or equal the given value. */ description_lte?: Maybe, /** All values greater than the given value. */ description_gt?: Maybe, /** All values greater than or equal the given value. */ description_gte?: Maybe, /** All values containing the given string. */ description_contains?: Maybe, /** All values not containing the given string. */ description_not_contains?: Maybe, /** All values starting with the given string. */ description_starts_with?: Maybe, /** All values not starting with the given string. */ description_not_starts_with?: Maybe, /** All values ending with the given string. */ description_ends_with?: Maybe, /** All values not ending with the given string. */ description_not_ends_with?: Maybe, }; export type Mutation = { __typename?: 'Mutation', createUser: User, updateUser?: Maybe, deleteUser?: Maybe, createTraining: Training, createTrainingType: TrainingType, createBlock: Block, login: User, logout: Scalars['String'], signup: User, requestReset: Scalars['String'], resetPassword: User, }; export type MutationCreateUserArgs = { data: UserCreateInput }; export type MutationUpdateUserArgs = { data: UserUpdateInput, where: UserWhereUniqueInput }; export type MutationDeleteUserArgs = { where: UserWhereUniqueInput }; export type MutationCreateTrainingArgs = { title: Scalars['String'] }; export type MutationCreateTrainingTypeArgs = { name: Scalars['String'], description: Scalars['String'] }; export type MutationCreateBlockArgs = { sequence: Scalars['Int'], title: Scalars['String'], duration: Scalars['Int'], variation?: Maybe, format?: Maybe, tracks: Array>, exercises: Array>, description: Scalars['String'] }; export type MutationLoginArgs = { email: Scalars['String'], password: Scalars['String'] }; export type MutationSignupArgs = { name: Scalars['String'], email: Scalars['String'], password: Scalars['String'] }; export type MutationRequestResetArgs = { email: Scalars['String'] }; export type MutationResetPasswordArgs = { token: Scalars['String'], password: Scalars['String'] }; /** An object with an ID */ export type Node = { /** The id of the object. */ id: Scalars['ID'], }; export enum Permission { Admin = 'ADMIN', Instructor = 'INSTRUCTOR' } export type Query = { __typename?: 'Query', users: Array>, training?: Maybe, trainings: Array>, trainingTypes: Array>, blocks: Array>, me: User, }; export type QueryUsersArgs = { where?: Maybe, orderBy?: Maybe, skip?: Maybe, after?: Maybe, before?: Maybe, first?: Maybe, last?: Maybe }; export type QueryTrainingArgs = { where: TrainingWhereUniqueInput }; export type QueryTrainingsArgs = { where?: Maybe, orderBy?: Maybe, skip?: Maybe, after?: Maybe, before?: Maybe, first?: Maybe, last?: Maybe }; export type QueryTrainingTypesArgs = { where?: Maybe, orderBy?: Maybe, skip?: Maybe, after?: Maybe, before?: Maybe, first?: Maybe, last?: Maybe }; export type QueryBlocksArgs = { where?: Maybe, orderBy?: Maybe, skip?: Maybe, after?: Maybe, before?: Maybe, first?: Maybe, last?: Maybe }; export type Rating = Node & { __typename?: 'Rating', id: Scalars['ID'], user: User, value: Scalars['Int'], comment: Scalars['String'], createdAt: Scalars['DateTime'], }; export type RatingCreateManyWithoutUserInput = { create?: Maybe>, connect?: Maybe>, }; export type RatingCreateWithoutUserInput = { id?: Maybe, value: Scalars['Int'], comment: Scalars['String'], }; export enum RatingOrderByInput { IdAsc = 'id_ASC', IdDesc = 'id_DESC', ValueAsc = 'value_ASC', ValueDesc = 'value_DESC', CommentAsc = 'comment_ASC', CommentDesc = 'comment_DESC', CreatedAtAsc = 'createdAt_ASC', CreatedAtDesc = 'createdAt_DESC' } export type RatingScalarWhereInput = { /** Logical AND on all given filters. */ AND?: Maybe>, /** Logical OR on all given filters. */ OR?: Maybe>, /** Logical NOT on all given filters combined by AND. */ NOT?: Maybe>, id?: Maybe, /** All values that are not equal to given value. */ id_not?: Maybe, /** All values that are contained in given list. */ id_in?: Maybe>, /** All values that are not contained in given list. */ id_not_in?: Maybe>, /** All values less than the given value. */ id_lt?: Maybe, /** All values less than or equal the given value. */ id_lte?: Maybe, /** All values greater than the given value. */ id_gt?: Maybe, /** All values greater than or equal the given value. */ id_gte?: Maybe, /** All values containing the given string. */ id_contains?: Maybe, /** All values not containing the given string. */ id_not_contains?: Maybe, /** All values starting with the given string. */ id_starts_with?: Maybe, /** All values not starting with the given string. */ id_not_starts_with?: Maybe, /** All values ending with the given string. */ id_ends_with?: Maybe, /** All values not ending with the given string. */ id_not_ends_with?: Maybe, value?: Maybe, /** All values that are not equal to given value. */ value_not?: Maybe, /** All values that are contained in given list. */ value_in?: Maybe>, /** All values that are not contained in given list. */ value_not_in?: Maybe>, /** All values less than the given value. */ value_lt?: Maybe, /** All values less than or equal the given value. */ value_lte?: Maybe, /** All values greater than the given value. */ value_gt?: Maybe, /** All values greater than or equal the given value. */ value_gte?: Maybe, comment?: Maybe, /** All values that are not equal to given value. */ comment_not?: Maybe, /** All values that are contained in given list. */ comment_in?: Maybe>, /** All values that are not contained in given list. */ comment_not_in?: Maybe>, /** All values less than the given value. */ comment_lt?: Maybe, /** All values less than or equal the given value. */ comment_lte?: Maybe, /** All values greater than the given value. */ comment_gt?: Maybe, /** All values greater than or equal the given value. */ comment_gte?: Maybe, /** All values containing the given string. */ comment_contains?: Maybe, /** All values not containing the given string. */ comment_not_contains?: Maybe, /** All values starting with the given string. */ comment_starts_with?: Maybe, /** All values not starting with the given string. */ comment_not_starts_with?: Maybe, /** All values ending with the given string. */ comment_ends_with?: Maybe, /** All values not ending with the given string. */ comment_not_ends_with?: Maybe, createdAt?: Maybe, /** All values that are not equal to given value. */ createdAt_not?: Maybe, /** All values that are contained in given list. */ createdAt_in?: Maybe>, /** All values that are not contained in given list. */ createdAt_not_in?: Maybe>, /** All values less than the given value. */ createdAt_lt?: Maybe, /** All values less than or equal the given value. */ createdAt_lte?: Maybe, /** All values greater than the given value. */ createdAt_gt?: Maybe, /** All values greater than or equal the given value. */ createdAt_gte?: Maybe, }; export type RatingUpdateManyDataInput = { value?: Maybe, comment?: Maybe, }; export type RatingUpdateManyWithoutUserInput = { create?: Maybe>, connect?: Maybe>, set?: Maybe>, disconnect?: Maybe>, delete?: Maybe>, update?: Maybe>, updateMany?: Maybe>, deleteMany?: Maybe>, upsert?: Maybe>, }; export type RatingUpdateManyWithWhereNestedInput = { where: RatingScalarWhereInput, data: RatingUpdateManyDataInput, }; export type RatingUpdateWithoutUserDataInput = { value?: Maybe, comment?: Maybe, }; export type RatingUpdateWithWhereUniqueWithoutUserInput = { where: RatingWhereUniqueInput, data: RatingUpdateWithoutUserDataInput, }; export type RatingUpsertWithWhereUniqueWithoutUserInput = { where: RatingWhereUniqueInput, update: RatingUpdateWithoutUserDataInput, create: RatingCreateWithoutUserInput, }; export type RatingWhereInput = { /** Logical AND on all given filters. */ AND?: Maybe>, /** Logical OR on all given filters. */ OR?: Maybe>, /** Logical NOT on all given filters combined by AND. */ NOT?: Maybe>, id?: Maybe, /** All values that are not equal to given value. */ id_not?: Maybe, /** All values that are contained in given list. */ id_in?: Maybe>, /** All values that are not contained in given list. */ id_not_in?: Maybe>, /** All values less than the given value. */ id_lt?: Maybe, /** All values less than or equal the given value. */ id_lte?: Maybe, /** All values greater than the given value. */ id_gt?: Maybe, /** All values greater than or equal the given value. */ id_gte?: Maybe, /** All values containing the given string. */ id_contains?: Maybe, /** All values not containing the given string. */ id_not_contains?: Maybe, /** All values starting with the given string. */ id_starts_with?: Maybe, /** All values not starting with the given string. */ id_not_starts_with?: Maybe, /** All values ending with the given string. */ id_ends_with?: Maybe, /** All values not ending with the given string. */ id_not_ends_with?: Maybe, value?: Maybe, /** All values that are not equal to given value. */ value_not?: Maybe, /** All values that are contained in given list. */ value_in?: Maybe>, /** All values that are not contained in given list. */ value_not_in?: Maybe>, /** All values less than the given value. */ value_lt?: Maybe, /** All values less than or equal the given value. */ value_lte?: Maybe, /** All values greater than the given value. */ value_gt?: Maybe, /** All values greater than or equal the given value. */ value_gte?: Maybe, comment?: Maybe, /** All values that are not equal to given value. */ comment_not?: Maybe, /** All values that are contained in given list. */ comment_in?: Maybe>, /** All values that are not contained in given list. */ comment_not_in?: Maybe>, /** All values less than the given value. */ comment_lt?: Maybe, /** All values less than or equal the given value. */ comment_lte?: Maybe, /** All values greater than the given value. */ comment_gt?: Maybe, /** All values greater than or equal the given value. */ comment_gte?: Maybe, /** All values containing the given string. */ comment_contains?: Maybe, /** All values not containing the given string. */ comment_not_contains?: Maybe, /** All values starting with the given string. */ comment_starts_with?: Maybe, /** All values not starting with the given string. */ comment_not_starts_with?: Maybe, /** All values ending with the given string. */ comment_ends_with?: Maybe, /** All values not ending with the given string. */ comment_not_ends_with?: Maybe, createdAt?: Maybe, /** All values that are not equal to given value. */ createdAt_not?: Maybe, /** All values that are contained in given list. */ createdAt_in?: Maybe>, /** All values that are not contained in given list. */ createdAt_not_in?: Maybe>, /** All values less than the given value. */ createdAt_lt?: Maybe, /** All values less than or equal the given value. */ createdAt_lte?: Maybe, /** All values greater than the given value. */ createdAt_gt?: Maybe, /** All values greater than or equal the given value. */ createdAt_gte?: Maybe, user?: Maybe, }; export type RatingWhereUniqueInput = { id?: Maybe, }; export type Track = Node & { __typename?: 'Track', id: Scalars['ID'], title: Scalars['String'], artist: Scalars['String'], duration: Scalars['Int'], link: Scalars['String'], }; export enum TrackOrderByInput { IdAsc = 'id_ASC', IdDesc = 'id_DESC', TitleAsc = 'title_ASC', TitleDesc = 'title_DESC', ArtistAsc = 'artist_ASC', ArtistDesc = 'artist_DESC', DurationAsc = 'duration_ASC', DurationDesc = 'duration_DESC', LinkAsc = 'link_ASC', LinkDesc = 'link_DESC' } export type TrackWhereInput = { /** Logical AND on all given filters. */ AND?: Maybe>, /** Logical OR on all given filters. */ OR?: Maybe>, /** Logical NOT on all given filters combined by AND. */ NOT?: Maybe>, id?: Maybe, /** All values that are not equal to given value. */ id_not?: Maybe, /** All values that are contained in given list. */ id_in?: Maybe>, /** All values that are not contained in given list. */ id_not_in?: Maybe>, /** All values less than the given value. */ id_lt?: Maybe, /** All values less than or equal the given value. */ id_lte?: Maybe, /** All values greater than the given value. */ id_gt?: Maybe, /** All values greater than or equal the given value. */ id_gte?: Maybe, /** All values containing the given string. */ id_contains?: Maybe, /** All values not containing the given string. */ id_not_contains?: Maybe, /** All values starting with the given string. */ id_starts_with?: Maybe, /** All values not starting with the given string. */ id_not_starts_with?: Maybe, /** All values ending with the given string. */ id_ends_with?: Maybe, /** All values not ending with the given string. */ id_not_ends_with?: Maybe, title?: Maybe, /** All values that are not equal to given value. */ title_not?: Maybe, /** All values that are contained in given list. */ title_in?: Maybe>, /** All values that are not contained in given list. */ title_not_in?: Maybe>, /** All values less than the given value. */ title_lt?: Maybe, /** All values less than or equal the given value. */ title_lte?: Maybe, /** All values greater than the given value. */ title_gt?: Maybe, /** All values greater than or equal the given value. */ title_gte?: Maybe, /** All values containing the given string. */ title_contains?: Maybe, /** All values not containing the given string. */ title_not_contains?: Maybe, /** All values starting with the given string. */ title_starts_with?: Maybe, /** All values not starting with the given string. */ title_not_starts_with?: Maybe, /** All values ending with the given string. */ title_ends_with?: Maybe, /** All values not ending with the given string. */ title_not_ends_with?: Maybe, artist?: Maybe, /** All values that are not equal to given value. */ artist_not?: Maybe, /** All values that are contained in given list. */ artist_in?: Maybe>, /** All values that are not contained in given list. */ artist_not_in?: Maybe>, /** All values less than the given value. */ artist_lt?: Maybe, /** All values less than or equal the given value. */ artist_lte?: Maybe, /** All values greater than the given value. */ artist_gt?: Maybe, /** All values greater than or equal the given value. */ artist_gte?: Maybe, /** All values containing the given string. */ artist_contains?: Maybe, /** All values not containing the given string. */ artist_not_contains?: Maybe, /** All values starting with the given string. */ artist_starts_with?: Maybe, /** All values not starting with the given string. */ artist_not_starts_with?: Maybe, /** All values ending with the given string. */ artist_ends_with?: Maybe, /** All values not ending with the given string. */ artist_not_ends_with?: Maybe, duration?: Maybe, /** All values that are not equal to given value. */ duration_not?: Maybe, /** All values that are contained in given list. */ duration_in?: Maybe>, /** All values that are not contained in given list. */ duration_not_in?: Maybe>, /** All values less than the given value. */ duration_lt?: Maybe, /** All values less than or equal the given value. */ duration_lte?: Maybe, /** All values greater than the given value. */ duration_gt?: Maybe, /** All values greater than or equal the given value. */ duration_gte?: Maybe, link?: Maybe, /** All values that are not equal to given value. */ link_not?: Maybe, /** All values that are contained in given list. */ link_in?: Maybe>, /** All values that are not contained in given list. */ link_not_in?: Maybe>, /** All values less than the given value. */ link_lt?: Maybe, /** All values less than or equal the given value. */ link_lte?: Maybe, /** All values greater than the given value. */ link_gt?: Maybe, /** All values greater than or equal the given value. */ link_gte?: Maybe, /** All values containing the given string. */ link_contains?: Maybe, /** All values not containing the given string. */ link_not_contains?: Maybe, /** All values starting with the given string. */ link_starts_with?: Maybe, /** All values not starting with the given string. */ link_not_starts_with?: Maybe, /** All values ending with the given string. */ link_ends_with?: Maybe, /** All values not ending with the given string. */ link_not_ends_with?: Maybe, }; export type Training = Node & { __typename?: 'Training', id: Scalars['ID'], title: Scalars['String'], type: TrainingType, content?: Maybe>, createdAt: Scalars['DateTime'], trainingDate: Scalars['DateTime'], location: Scalars['String'], registration?: Maybe>, attendance: Scalars['Int'], ratings?: Maybe>, published: Scalars['Boolean'], }; export type TrainingContentArgs = { where?: Maybe, orderBy?: Maybe, skip?: Maybe, after?: Maybe, before?: Maybe, first?: Maybe, last?: Maybe }; export type TrainingRegistrationArgs = { where?: Maybe, orderBy?: Maybe, skip?: Maybe, after?: Maybe, before?: Maybe, first?: Maybe, last?: Maybe }; export type TrainingRatingsArgs = { where?: Maybe, orderBy?: Maybe, skip?: Maybe, after?: Maybe, before?: Maybe, first?: Maybe, last?: Maybe }; export enum TrainingOrderByInput { IdAsc = 'id_ASC', IdDesc = 'id_DESC', TitleAsc = 'title_ASC', TitleDesc = 'title_DESC', CreatedAtAsc = 'createdAt_ASC', CreatedAtDesc = 'createdAt_DESC', TrainingDateAsc = 'trainingDate_ASC', TrainingDateDesc = 'trainingDate_DESC', LocationAsc = 'location_ASC', LocationDesc = 'location_DESC', AttendanceAsc = 'attendance_ASC', AttendanceDesc = 'attendance_DESC', PublishedAsc = 'published_ASC', PublishedDesc = 'published_DESC' } export type TrainingType = Node & { __typename?: 'TrainingType', id: Scalars['ID'], name: Scalars['String'], description: Scalars['String'], }; export enum TrainingTypeOrderByInput { IdAsc = 'id_ASC', IdDesc = 'id_DESC', NameAsc = 'name_ASC', NameDesc = 'name_DESC', DescriptionAsc = 'description_ASC', DescriptionDesc = 'description_DESC' } export type TrainingTypeWhereInput = { /** Logical AND on all given filters. */ AND?: Maybe>, /** Logical OR on all given filters. */ OR?: Maybe>, /** Logical NOT on all given filters combined by AND. */ NOT?: Maybe>, id?: Maybe, /** All values that are not equal to given value. */ id_not?: Maybe, /** All values that are contained in given list. */ id_in?: Maybe>, /** All values that are not contained in given list. */ id_not_in?: Maybe>, /** All values less than the given value. */ id_lt?: Maybe, /** All values less than or equal the given value. */ id_lte?: Maybe, /** All values greater than the given value. */ id_gt?: Maybe, /** All values greater than or equal the given value. */ id_gte?: Maybe, /** All values containing the given string. */ id_contains?: Maybe, /** All values not containing the given string. */ id_not_contains?: Maybe, /** All values starting with the given string. */ id_starts_with?: Maybe, /** All values not starting with the given string. */ id_not_starts_with?: Maybe, /** All values ending with the given string. */ id_ends_with?: Maybe, /** All values not ending with the given string. */ id_not_ends_with?: Maybe, name?: Maybe, /** All values that are not equal to given value. */ name_not?: Maybe, /** All values that are contained in given list. */ name_in?: Maybe>, /** All values that are not contained in given list. */ name_not_in?: Maybe>, /** All values less than the given value. */ name_lt?: Maybe, /** All values less than or equal the given value. */ name_lte?: Maybe, /** All values greater than the given value. */ name_gt?: Maybe, /** All values greater than or equal the given value. */ name_gte?: Maybe, /** All values containing the given string. */ name_contains?: Maybe, /** All values not containing the given string. */ name_not_contains?: Maybe, /** All values starting with the given string. */ name_starts_with?: Maybe, /** All values not starting with the given string. */ name_not_starts_with?: Maybe, /** All values ending with the given string. */ name_ends_with?: Maybe, /** All values not ending with the given string. */ name_not_ends_with?: Maybe, description?: Maybe, /** All values that are not equal to given value. */ description_not?: Maybe, /** All values that are contained in given list. */ description_in?: Maybe>, /** All values that are not contained in given list. */ description_not_in?: Maybe>, /** All values less than the given value. */ description_lt?: Maybe, /** All values less than or equal the given value. */ description_lte?: Maybe, /** All values greater than the given value. */ description_gt?: Maybe, /** All values greater than or equal the given value. */ description_gte?: Maybe, /** All values containing the given string. */ description_contains?: Maybe, /** All values not containing the given string. */ description_not_contains?: Maybe, /** All values starting with the given string. */ description_starts_with?: Maybe, /** All values not starting with the given string. */ description_not_starts_with?: Maybe, /** All values ending with the given string. */ description_ends_with?: Maybe, /** All values not ending with the given string. */ description_not_ends_with?: Maybe, }; export type TrainingWhereInput = { /** Logical AND on all given filters. */ AND?: Maybe>, /** Logical OR on all given filters. */ OR?: Maybe>, /** Logical NOT on all given filters combined by AND. */ NOT?: Maybe>, id?: Maybe, /** All values that are not equal to given value. */ id_not?: Maybe, /** All values that are contained in given list. */ id_in?: Maybe>, /** All values that are not contained in given list. */ id_not_in?: Maybe>, /** All values less than the given value. */ id_lt?: Maybe, /** All values less than or equal the given value. */ id_lte?: Maybe, /** All values greater than the given value. */ id_gt?: Maybe, /** All values greater than or equal the given value. */ id_gte?: Maybe, /** All values containing the given string. */ id_contains?: Maybe, /** All values not containing the given string. */ id_not_contains?: Maybe, /** All values starting with the given string. */ id_starts_with?: Maybe, /** All values not starting with the given string. */ id_not_starts_with?: Maybe, /** All values ending with the given string. */ id_ends_with?: Maybe, /** All values not ending with the given string. */ id_not_ends_with?: Maybe, title?: Maybe, /** All values that are not equal to given value. */ title_not?: Maybe, /** All values that are contained in given list. */ title_in?: Maybe>, /** All values that are not contained in given list. */ title_not_in?: Maybe>, /** All values less than the given value. */ title_lt?: Maybe, /** All values less than or equal the given value. */ title_lte?: Maybe, /** All values greater than the given value. */ title_gt?: Maybe, /** All values greater than or equal the given value. */ title_gte?: Maybe, /** All values containing the given string. */ title_contains?: Maybe, /** All values not containing the given string. */ title_not_contains?: Maybe, /** All values starting with the given string. */ title_starts_with?: Maybe, /** All values not starting with the given string. */ title_not_starts_with?: Maybe, /** All values ending with the given string. */ title_ends_with?: Maybe, /** All values not ending with the given string. */ title_not_ends_with?: Maybe, createdAt?: Maybe, /** All values that are not equal to given value. */ createdAt_not?: Maybe, /** All values that are contained in given list. */ createdAt_in?: Maybe>, /** All values that are not contained in given list. */ createdAt_not_in?: Maybe>, /** All values less than the given value. */ createdAt_lt?: Maybe, /** All values less than or equal the given value. */ createdAt_lte?: Maybe, /** All values greater than the given value. */ createdAt_gt?: Maybe, /** All values greater than or equal the given value. */ createdAt_gte?: Maybe, trainingDate?: Maybe, /** All values that are not equal to given value. */ trainingDate_not?: Maybe, /** All values that are contained in given list. */ trainingDate_in?: Maybe>, /** All values that are not contained in given list. */ trainingDate_not_in?: Maybe>, /** All values less than the given value. */ trainingDate_lt?: Maybe, /** All values less than or equal the given value. */ trainingDate_lte?: Maybe, /** All values greater than the given value. */ trainingDate_gt?: Maybe, /** All values greater than or equal the given value. */ trainingDate_gte?: Maybe, location?: Maybe, /** All values that are not equal to given value. */ location_not?: Maybe, /** All values that are contained in given list. */ location_in?: Maybe>, /** All values that are not contained in given list. */ location_not_in?: Maybe>, /** All values less than the given value. */ location_lt?: Maybe, /** All values less than or equal the given value. */ location_lte?: Maybe, /** All values greater than the given value. */ location_gt?: Maybe, /** All values greater than or equal the given value. */ location_gte?: Maybe, /** All values containing the given string. */ location_contains?: Maybe, /** All values not containing the given string. */ location_not_contains?: Maybe, /** All values starting with the given string. */ location_starts_with?: Maybe, /** All values not starting with the given string. */ location_not_starts_with?: Maybe, /** All values ending with the given string. */ location_ends_with?: Maybe, /** All values not ending with the given string. */ location_not_ends_with?: Maybe, attendance?: Maybe, /** All values that are not equal to given value. */ attendance_not?: Maybe, /** All values that are contained in given list. */ attendance_in?: Maybe>, /** All values that are not contained in given list. */ attendance_not_in?: Maybe>, /** All values less than the given value. */ attendance_lt?: Maybe, /** All values less than or equal the given value. */ attendance_lte?: Maybe, /** All values greater than the given value. */ attendance_gt?: Maybe, /** All values greater than or equal the given value. */ attendance_gte?: Maybe, published?: Maybe, /** All values that are not equal to given value. */ published_not?: Maybe, type?: Maybe, content_every?: Maybe, content_some?: Maybe, content_none?: Maybe, registration_every?: Maybe, registration_some?: Maybe, registration_none?: Maybe, ratings_every?: Maybe, ratings_some?: Maybe, ratings_none?: Maybe, }; export type TrainingWhereUniqueInput = { id?: Maybe, }; export type User = Node & { __typename?: 'User', id: Scalars['ID'], email: Scalars['String'], name: Scalars['String'], password: Scalars['String'], resetToken?: Maybe, resetTokenExpiry?: Maybe, createdAt: Scalars['DateTime'], comments?: Maybe>, ratings?: Maybe>, permissions: Array, interests: Array, }; export type UserCommentsArgs = { where?: Maybe, orderBy?: Maybe, skip?: Maybe, after?: Maybe, before?: Maybe, first?: Maybe, last?: Maybe }; export type UserRatingsArgs = { where?: Maybe, orderBy?: Maybe, skip?: Maybe, after?: Maybe, before?: Maybe, first?: Maybe, last?: Maybe }; export type UserCreateInput = { id?: Maybe, email: Scalars['String'], name: Scalars['String'], password: Scalars['String'], resetToken?: Maybe, resetTokenExpiry?: Maybe, permissions?: Maybe, interests?: Maybe, comments?: Maybe, ratings?: Maybe, }; export type UserCreateinterestsInput = { set?: Maybe>, }; export type UserCreatepermissionsInput = { set?: Maybe>, }; export enum UserOrderByInput { IdAsc = 'id_ASC', IdDesc = 'id_DESC', EmailAsc = 'email_ASC', EmailDesc = 'email_DESC', NameAsc = 'name_ASC', NameDesc = 'name_DESC', PasswordAsc = 'password_ASC', PasswordDesc = 'password_DESC', ResetTokenAsc = 'resetToken_ASC', ResetTokenDesc = 'resetToken_DESC', ResetTokenExpiryAsc = 'resetTokenExpiry_ASC', ResetTokenExpiryDesc = 'resetTokenExpiry_DESC', CreatedAtAsc = 'createdAt_ASC', CreatedAtDesc = 'createdAt_DESC' } export type UserUpdateInput = { email?: Maybe, name?: Maybe, password?: Maybe, resetToken?: Maybe, resetTokenExpiry?: Maybe, permissions?: Maybe, interests?: Maybe, comments?: Maybe, ratings?: Maybe, }; export type UserUpdateinterestsInput = { set?: Maybe>, }; export type UserUpdatepermissionsInput = { set?: Maybe>, }; export type UserWhereInput = { /** Logical AND on all given filters. */ AND?: Maybe>, /** Logical OR on all given filters. */ OR?: Maybe>, /** Logical NOT on all given filters combined by AND. */ NOT?: Maybe>, id?: Maybe, /** All values that are not equal to given value. */ id_not?: Maybe, /** All values that are contained in given list. */ id_in?: Maybe>, /** All values that are not contained in given list. */ id_not_in?: Maybe>, /** All values less than the given value. */ id_lt?: Maybe, /** All values less than or equal the given value. */ id_lte?: Maybe, /** All values greater than the given value. */ id_gt?: Maybe, /** All values greater than or equal the given value. */ id_gte?: Maybe, /** All values containing the given string. */ id_contains?: Maybe, /** All values not containing the given string. */ id_not_contains?: Maybe, /** All values starting with the given string. */ id_starts_with?: Maybe, /** All values not starting with the given string. */ id_not_starts_with?: Maybe, /** All values ending with the given string. */ id_ends_with?: Maybe, /** All values not ending with the given string. */ id_not_ends_with?: Maybe, email?: Maybe, /** All values that are not equal to given value. */ email_not?: Maybe, /** All values that are contained in given list. */ email_in?: Maybe>, /** All values that are not contained in given list. */ email_not_in?: Maybe>, /** All values less than the given value. */ email_lt?: Maybe, /** All values less than or equal the given value. */ email_lte?: Maybe, /** All values greater than the given value. */ email_gt?: Maybe, /** All values greater than or equal the given value. */ email_gte?: Maybe, /** All values containing the given string. */ email_contains?: Maybe, /** All values not containing the given string. */ email_not_contains?: Maybe, /** All values starting with the given string. */ email_starts_with?: Maybe, /** All values not starting with the given string. */ email_not_starts_with?: Maybe, /** All values ending with the given string. */ email_ends_with?: Maybe, /** All values not ending with the given string. */ email_not_ends_with?: Maybe, name?: Maybe, /** All values that are not equal to given value. */ name_not?: Maybe, /** All values that are contained in given list. */ name_in?: Maybe>, /** All values that are not contained in given list. */ name_not_in?: Maybe>, /** All values less than the given value. */ name_lt?: Maybe, /** All values less than or equal the given value. */ name_lte?: Maybe, /** All values greater than the given value. */ name_gt?: Maybe, /** All values greater than or equal the given value. */ name_gte?: Maybe, /** All values containing the given string. */ name_contains?: Maybe, /** All values not containing the given string. */ name_not_contains?: Maybe, /** All values starting with the given string. */ name_starts_with?: Maybe, /** All values not starting with the given string. */ name_not_starts_with?: Maybe, /** All values ending with the given string. */ name_ends_with?: Maybe, /** All values not ending with the given string. */ name_not_ends_with?: Maybe, password?: Maybe, /** All values that are not equal to given value. */ password_not?: Maybe, /** All values that are contained in given list. */ password_in?: Maybe>, /** All values that are not contained in given list. */ password_not_in?: Maybe>, /** All values less than the given value. */ password_lt?: Maybe, /** All values less than or equal the given value. */ password_lte?: Maybe, /** All values greater than the given value. */ password_gt?: Maybe, /** All values greater than or equal the given value. */ password_gte?: Maybe, /** All values containing the given string. */ password_contains?: Maybe, /** All values not containing the given string. */ password_not_contains?: Maybe, /** All values starting with the given string. */ password_starts_with?: Maybe, /** All values not starting with the given string. */ password_not_starts_with?: Maybe, /** All values ending with the given string. */ password_ends_with?: Maybe, /** All values not ending with the given string. */ password_not_ends_with?: Maybe, resetToken?: Maybe, /** All values that are not equal to given value. */ resetToken_not?: Maybe, /** All values that are contained in given list. */ resetToken_in?: Maybe>, /** All values that are not contained in given list. */ resetToken_not_in?: Maybe>, /** All values less than the given value. */ resetToken_lt?: Maybe, /** All values less than or equal the given value. */ resetToken_lte?: Maybe, /** All values greater than the given value. */ resetToken_gt?: Maybe, /** All values greater than or equal the given value. */ resetToken_gte?: Maybe, /** All values containing the given string. */ resetToken_contains?: Maybe, /** All values not containing the given string. */ resetToken_not_contains?: Maybe, /** All values starting with the given string. */ resetToken_starts_with?: Maybe, /** All values not starting with the given string. */ resetToken_not_starts_with?: Maybe, /** All values ending with the given string. */ resetToken_ends_with?: Maybe, /** All values not ending with the given string. */ resetToken_not_ends_with?: Maybe, resetTokenExpiry?: Maybe, /** All values that are not equal to given value. */ resetTokenExpiry_not?: Maybe, /** All values that are contained in given list. */ resetTokenExpiry_in?: Maybe>, /** All values that are not contained in given list. */ resetTokenExpiry_not_in?: Maybe>, /** All values less than the given value. */ resetTokenExpiry_lt?: Maybe, /** All values less than or equal the given value. */ resetTokenExpiry_lte?: Maybe, /** All values greater than the given value. */ resetTokenExpiry_gt?: Maybe, /** All values greater than or equal the given value. */ resetTokenExpiry_gte?: Maybe, createdAt?: Maybe, /** All values that are not equal to given value. */ createdAt_not?: Maybe, /** All values that are contained in given list. */ createdAt_in?: Maybe>, /** All values that are not contained in given list. */ createdAt_not_in?: Maybe>, /** All values less than the given value. */ createdAt_lt?: Maybe, /** All values less than or equal the given value. */ createdAt_lte?: Maybe, /** All values greater than the given value. */ createdAt_gt?: Maybe, /** All values greater than or equal the given value. */ createdAt_gte?: Maybe, comments_every?: Maybe, comments_some?: Maybe, comments_none?: Maybe, ratings_every?: Maybe, ratings_some?: Maybe, ratings_none?: Maybe, }; export type UserWhereUniqueInput = { id?: Maybe, email?: Maybe, }; export type UsersQueryVariables = {}; export type UsersQuery = ( { __typename?: 'Query' } & { users: Array )>> } ); export type UserSignupMutationVariables = { email: Scalars['String'], password: Scalars['String'], name: Scalars['String'] }; export type UserSignupMutation = ( { __typename?: 'Mutation' } & { signup: ( { __typename?: 'User' } & Pick ) } ); export type UserLoginMutationVariables = { email: Scalars['String'], password: Scalars['String'] }; export type UserLoginMutation = ( { __typename?: 'Mutation' } & { login: ( { __typename?: 'User' } & Pick ) } ); export type UserLogoutMutationVariables = {}; export type UserLogoutMutation = ( { __typename?: 'Mutation' } & Pick ); export type CurrentUserQueryVariables = {}; export type CurrentUserQuery = ( { __typename?: 'Query' } & { me: ( { __typename?: 'User' } & Pick ) } ); export type RequestResetMutationVariables = { email: Scalars['String'] }; export type RequestResetMutation = ( { __typename?: 'Mutation' } & Pick ); export type ResetPasswordMutationVariables = { token: Scalars['String'], password: Scalars['String'] }; export type ResetPasswordMutation = ( { __typename?: 'Mutation' } & { resetPassword: ( { __typename?: 'User' } & Pick ) } ); export const UsersDocument = gql` query Users { users { id email name permissions interests } } `; /** * __useUsersQuery__ * * To run a query within a React component, call `useUsersQuery` and pass it any options that fit your needs. * When your component renders, `useUsersQuery` returns an object from Apollo Client that contains loading, error, and data properties * you can use to render your UI. * * @param baseOptions options that will be passed into the query, supported options are listed on: https://www.apollographql.com/docs/react/api/react-hooks/#options; * * @example * const { data, loading, error } = useUsersQuery({ * variables: { * }, * }); */ export function useUsersQuery(baseOptions?: ApolloReactHooks.QueryHookOptions) { return ApolloReactHooks.useQuery(UsersDocument, baseOptions); } export function useUsersLazyQuery(baseOptions?: ApolloReactHooks.LazyQueryHookOptions) { return ApolloReactHooks.useLazyQuery(UsersDocument, baseOptions); } export type UsersQueryHookResult = ReturnType; export type UsersLazyQueryHookResult = ReturnType; export type UsersQueryResult = ApolloReactCommon.QueryResult; export const UserSignupDocument = gql` mutation UserSignup($email: String!, $password: String!, $name: String!) { signup(email: $email, password: $password, name: $name) { id email name } } `; export type UserSignupMutationFn = ApolloReactCommon.MutationFunction; /** * __useUserSignupMutation__ * * To run a mutation, you first call `useUserSignupMutation` within a React component and pass it any options that fit your needs. * When your component renders, `useUserSignupMutation` returns a tuple that includes: * - A mutate function that you can call at any time to execute the mutation * - An object with fields that represent the current status of the mutation's execution * * @param baseOptions options that will be passed into the mutation, supported options are listed on: https://www.apollographql.com/docs/react/api/react-hooks/#options-2; * * @example * const [userSignupMutation, { data, loading, error }] = useUserSignupMutation({ * variables: { * email: // value for 'email' * password: // value for 'password' * name: // value for 'name' * }, * }); */ export function useUserSignupMutation(baseOptions?: ApolloReactHooks.MutationHookOptions) { return ApolloReactHooks.useMutation(UserSignupDocument, baseOptions); } export type UserSignupMutationHookResult = ReturnType; export type UserSignupMutationResult = ApolloReactCommon.MutationResult; export type UserSignupMutationOptions = ApolloReactCommon.BaseMutationOptions; export const UserLoginDocument = gql` mutation UserLogin($email: String!, $password: String!) { login(email: $email, password: $password) { id email name } } `; export type UserLoginMutationFn = ApolloReactCommon.MutationFunction; /** * __useUserLoginMutation__ * * To run a mutation, you first call `useUserLoginMutation` within a React component and pass it any options that fit your needs. * When your component renders, `useUserLoginMutation` returns a tuple that includes: * - A mutate function that you can call at any time to execute the mutation * - An object with fields that represent the current status of the mutation's execution * * @param baseOptions options that will be passed into the mutation, supported options are listed on: https://www.apollographql.com/docs/react/api/react-hooks/#options-2; * * @example * const [userLoginMutation, { data, loading, error }] = useUserLoginMutation({ * variables: { * email: // value for 'email' * password: // value for 'password' * }, * }); */ export function useUserLoginMutation(baseOptions?: ApolloReactHooks.MutationHookOptions) { return ApolloReactHooks.useMutation(UserLoginDocument, baseOptions); } export type UserLoginMutationHookResult = ReturnType; export type UserLoginMutationResult = ApolloReactCommon.MutationResult; export type UserLoginMutationOptions = ApolloReactCommon.BaseMutationOptions; export const UserLogoutDocument = gql` mutation UserLogout { logout } `; export type UserLogoutMutationFn = ApolloReactCommon.MutationFunction; /** * __useUserLogoutMutation__ * * To run a mutation, you first call `useUserLogoutMutation` within a React component and pass it any options that fit your needs. * When your component renders, `useUserLogoutMutation` returns a tuple that includes: * - A mutate function that you can call at any time to execute the mutation * - An object with fields that represent the current status of the mutation's execution * * @param baseOptions options that will be passed into the mutation, supported options are listed on: https://www.apollographql.com/docs/react/api/react-hooks/#options-2; * * @example * const [userLogoutMutation, { data, loading, error }] = useUserLogoutMutation({ * variables: { * }, * }); */ export function useUserLogoutMutation(baseOptions?: ApolloReactHooks.MutationHookOptions) { return ApolloReactHooks.useMutation(UserLogoutDocument, baseOptions); } export type UserLogoutMutationHookResult = ReturnType; export type UserLogoutMutationResult = ApolloReactCommon.MutationResult; export type UserLogoutMutationOptions = ApolloReactCommon.BaseMutationOptions; export const CurrentUserDocument = gql` query CurrentUser { me { id email name permissions interests } } `; /** * __useCurrentUserQuery__ * * To run a query within a React component, call `useCurrentUserQuery` and pass it any options that fit your needs. * When your component renders, `useCurrentUserQuery` returns an object from Apollo Client that contains loading, error, and data properties * you can use to render your UI. * * @param baseOptions options that will be passed into the query, supported options are listed on: https://www.apollographql.com/docs/react/api/react-hooks/#options; * * @example * const { data, loading, error } = useCurrentUserQuery({ * variables: { * }, * }); */ export function useCurrentUserQuery(baseOptions?: ApolloReactHooks.QueryHookOptions) { return ApolloReactHooks.useQuery(CurrentUserDocument, baseOptions); } export function useCurrentUserLazyQuery(baseOptions?: ApolloReactHooks.LazyQueryHookOptions) { return ApolloReactHooks.useLazyQuery(CurrentUserDocument, baseOptions); } export type CurrentUserQueryHookResult = ReturnType; export type CurrentUserLazyQueryHookResult = ReturnType; export type CurrentUserQueryResult = ApolloReactCommon.QueryResult; export const RequestResetDocument = gql` mutation RequestReset($email: String!) { requestReset(email: $email) } `; export type RequestResetMutationFn = ApolloReactCommon.MutationFunction; /** * __useRequestResetMutation__ * * To run a mutation, you first call `useRequestResetMutation` within a React component and pass it any options that fit your needs. * When your component renders, `useRequestResetMutation` returns a tuple that includes: * - A mutate function that you can call at any time to execute the mutation * - An object with fields that represent the current status of the mutation's execution * * @param baseOptions options that will be passed into the mutation, supported options are listed on: https://www.apollographql.com/docs/react/api/react-hooks/#options-2; * * @example * const [requestResetMutation, { data, loading, error }] = useRequestResetMutation({ * variables: { * email: // value for 'email' * }, * }); */ export function useRequestResetMutation(baseOptions?: ApolloReactHooks.MutationHookOptions) { return ApolloReactHooks.useMutation(RequestResetDocument, baseOptions); } export type RequestResetMutationHookResult = ReturnType; export type RequestResetMutationResult = ApolloReactCommon.MutationResult; export type RequestResetMutationOptions = ApolloReactCommon.BaseMutationOptions; export const ResetPasswordDocument = gql` mutation ResetPassword($token: String!, $password: String!) { resetPassword(token: $token, password: $password) { id name } } `; export type ResetPasswordMutationFn = ApolloReactCommon.MutationFunction; /** * __useResetPasswordMutation__ * * To run a mutation, you first call `useResetPasswordMutation` within a React component and pass it any options that fit your needs. * When your component renders, `useResetPasswordMutation` returns a tuple that includes: * - A mutate function that you can call at any time to execute the mutation * - An object with fields that represent the current status of the mutation's execution * * @param baseOptions options that will be passed into the mutation, supported options are listed on: https://www.apollographql.com/docs/react/api/react-hooks/#options-2; * * @example * const [resetPasswordMutation, { data, loading, error }] = useResetPasswordMutation({ * variables: { * token: // value for 'token' * password: // value for 'password' * }, * }); */ export function useResetPasswordMutation(baseOptions?: ApolloReactHooks.MutationHookOptions) { return ApolloReactHooks.useMutation(ResetPasswordDocument, baseOptions); } export type ResetPasswordMutationHookResult = ReturnType; export type ResetPasswordMutationResult = ApolloReactCommon.MutationResult; export type ResetPasswordMutationOptions = ApolloReactCommon.BaseMutationOptions;