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02 - Starter Files and Tooling

  • Firefox has good built-in tools to analyze CSS grid
  • Node can help serve HTML files and reload them on change (browser-sync module)
  • Wes Bos' repository:
  • Use Emmet for HTML and CSS
  • TODO: Show list of VS code extensions.
  • CSS: use box-sizing: border-box as it includes padding and borders

03 - Fundamentals

  • Grid organizes page in rectangular grid cells.
  • Implicit and explicit rows/columns
  • Parent container needs to be display: grid;
    • makes direct children grid items
  • grid-template-columns: (size) (size)... defines explicit columns
    • use auto to auto size columns to use up rest of the screen width
  • grid-gap: (size) separates columns and rows with